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Tom MacDonald...let's discuss (Snowflakes stay OUT)

Ext. 55

Big Poppa
Elite Member
Yore Momma's house
Who's heard his music? Completely independent musician with a bunch of songs on social viewpoints of today's society. Has a number of videos with millions of views.

Have watched a bunch of them and they are uncomfortable at times to listen to...primarily because there is a lot of truth in them that creates conversation. Have recently watched a ton of the reaction videos to his music and almost across the board they receive positive reactions from a very diverse background of people. Some don't agree with everything he has to say, but unanimously respect him for creating the conversations.

What say you?
I've seen a few of his stuff. Not the most talented artist out there, but I do enjoy the boldness of his lyrics. Says a lot of relatable stuff and I wish more people would catch on to that kind of message.
I've seen a few of his stuff. Not the most talented artist out there, but I do enjoy the boldness of his lyrics. Says a lot of relatable stuff and I wish more people would catch on to that kind of message.
Agreed. To me it is his truthful message that creates the right types of conversation that needs to be had in this day, is what separates him.
I wouldn't buy any of his music on iTunes, cause I don't like it that much. But I love how bold the lyrics are and that he's not afraid to make people uncomfortable and speak his mind, about unpopular things. Not just speak his mind about what the masses want. If that makes sense? Like a political modern day Eminem. Except I still buy Eminem's music to this day on iTunes.
I wouldn't buy any of his music on iTunes, cause I don't like it that much. But I love how bold the lyrics are and that he's not afraid to make people uncomfortable and speak his mind, about unpopular things. Not just speak his mind about what the masses want. If that makes sense? Like a political modern day Eminem. Except I still buy Eminem's music to this day on iTunes.
You still buy music on iTunes?
The ooooollllll Napster! That was the first way I did it. First computer I ever got I had it on there. AOL IM, going all at the same time, good days! It was an all white Gateway computer with the mother ship on the floor, big ass monitor, speakers, all of it. About 7th grade, 2005ish.
I pay the 6 bucks a month for Spotify. Totally worth it imo
I wouldn't buy any of his music on iTunes, cause I don't like it that much. But I love how bold the lyrics are and that he's not afraid to make people uncomfortable and speak his mind, about unpopular things. Not just speak his mind about what the masses want. If that makes sense? Like a political modern day Eminem. Except I still buy Eminem's music to this day on iTunes.
Agreed. Totally makes sense. I very much appreciate how he takes on the hard issues, speaks truth, and creates that conversation.
The ooooollllll Napster! That was the first way I did it. First computer I ever got I had it on there. AOL IM, going all at the same time, good days! It was an all white Gateway computer with the mother ship on the floor, big ass monitor, speakers, all of it. About 7th grade, 2005ish.
Same. Playing AOE and Starcraft until 4am, and chugging surge.
Same. Playing AOE and Starcraft until 4am, and chugging surge.
Had a "girlfriend" at the time, middle school, we would say I love you over AOL IM, and at the same time, I was IMing another girl, whose now married to one of my best friends, about making out for however many seconds at the movie theatre. Fantastic
With Apple Music you just pay a monthly fee and you can listen to whatever song you want. My family plan is $15 per month
I don't know how many songs I have on my phone but I'm sure I've probably over a grand on music in the last decade.......your way sounds slightly better.

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