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The Snip

Ok fellas, Poppa Wessel is getting the ol’ snip snip in a few weeks. Two happy, healthy kids are enough for us and it’s time to be neutered.

Any advice from vasectomy veterans on what to expect and when can resume otherwise normal activities?
Animated GIF

Good luck!
Mine is on a Wednesday at 2:30pm in the afternoon. Not a lot of options due to Covid unfortunately.

Have I mentioned how much I am not looking forward to this?
They giving you Valium to take before procedure?
Ok fellas, Poppa Wessel is getting the ol’ snip snip in a few weeks. Two happy, healthy kids are enough for us and it’s time to be neutered.

Any advice from vasectomy veterans on what to expect and when can resume otherwise normal activities?
It was really really easy.
I did make the mistake of walking a lot about 2 days after the procedure and I was pretty sore. Besides that...the build up in your head is much worse than the actual procedure.
Thanks. Honestly, not looking forward to it. I had the option of local anesthetic with nothing else, laughing gas, or Valium. I’m going with the local anesthetic and laughing gas.
I did just the local anesthetic, only felt the 2 shots of anesthetic, which felt like I I had been nut tapped lightly. After the procedure I drove myself home.
Thanks. Honestly, not looking forward to it. I had the option of local anesthetic with nothing else, laughing gas, or Valium. I’m going with the local anesthetic and laughing gas.
Wuss 😉 Follow doctors orders. It's not so bad. I had a local and was good to go after a couple days chilling on the couch.
It was really really easy.
I did make the mistake of walking a lot about 2 days after the procedure and I was pretty sore. Besides that...the build up in your head is much worse than the actual procedure.
Same thing for me. Did it on Friday as Thom suggested above. Ate the last of my Hydrocodone Saturday night. Felt fine Sunday morning so went to the grocery store and wandered around for an hour or so. Sunday night felt like I was repeatedly getting kicked in my balls. Refilled the hydrocodone. Monday was fine.

They gave me pitocin for the procedure and then a local anesthetic. Could feel some pulling but otherwise wasn't painful.
Man, this is where my life is. These are the guys I fraternize with regularly: vasectomy guys. And, worst of all, this is where I'm very likely heading in the next couple years after I pump the third baby into my sloot wife. *Sad boner*
Welcome to the club. We have a semi annual convention where we show each other pictures of our lawns, talk about drinking and burning down the town and then we all go to bed at 10 after calling our wives to see how their day went.
Man, this is where my life is. These are the guys I fraternize with regularly: vasectomy guys. And, worst of all, this is where I'm very likely heading in the next couple years after I pump the third baby into my sloot wife. *Sad boner*
No need for condomn or pull out game is well worth the few days of discomfort.

I do think there's a subconscious thing that goes on. You're no longer capable of procreation therefore desire for sex declines.
No need for condomn or pull out game is well worth the few days of discomfort.

I do think there's a subconscious thing that goes on. You're no longer capable of procreation therefore desire for sex declines.
Seriously guys, where is the fun when that “Oh shit!” Moment is no more after you bust one off in the old lady?

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