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Shots being fired on cops in Omaha (2 Viewers)

Faux Sean Callahan

Head Coach
"Signal 88
“Signal 88” or just “88” is a status where the Officer declares the situation secure or safe. Dispatchers routinely check on Officers to ensure they are safe and in control of a situation. Officers will respond that they are Signal 88 meaning they are in control of the situation and OK."

God is a Husker

Pussy Posse

Pipe Line

Graduate Assistant
Elite Member
kind of like how most police departments in big cities are majority black officers
I have no idea how to verify that and have no reason not to believe you lol but wouldn't surprise me.

Also shocks me how they're called an "Uncle Tom" if they're black, cop or not, and don't give in to the woke mob oppression shit.

God is a Husker

Pussy Posse
I have no idea how to verify that and have no reason not to believe you lol but wouldn't surprise me.

Also shocks me how they're called an "Uncle Tom" if they're black, cop or not, and don't give in to the woke mob oppression shit.

I am specifically talking about the cities that have had large scale riots over the past few years

Baltimore, STL, Atlanta, Chicago, Oakland, etc. are all majority black

the only outlier is Portland, which has been one of (if not the most) Liberal cities in the country for decades now... so if there is "systemic racism" it is an indictment on the Left

thE kErnEl

Elite Member
kind of like how most police departments in big cities are majority black officers
Could you be more wrong?

If you can't read it because it's behind a past wall, then buy a subscription.

Pipe Line

Graduate Assistant
Elite Member
I am specifically talking about the cities that have had large scale riots over the past few years

Baltimore, STL, Atlanta, Chicago, Oakland, etc. are all majority black

the only outlier is Portland, which has been one of (if not the most) Liberal cities in the country for decades now... so if there is "systemic racism" it is an indictment on the Left
So I'm going to go on a slight ramble and I don't know if any of it makes sense but just want to put my thoughts down.

So my family is mixed. My aunt married a black dude, one of the absolute best human beings on the planet, and their two kids, my cousins, are mixed obviously but an obvious black to them. And so growing up, like racism is just not a thing in my family, was never even considered, like my family is fantastic. My uncle isn't around anymore, he passed from Leukemia last June but like we had a massive family gathering one my aunt's side, my side, and his side, just huge mixed family gathering. Shared memories, laughs, cries, hugs, you name it, it was great. And so this is in the midst of just being shortly after the Omaha protests/riots that happened in May. So tensions are obviously still there in society. But, we all get together and this "racism" thing just doesn't exist.

Now, does racism exist? Yeah, we all know that. My grandparents used to live in South Georgia when I was a kid and when I got older I would hear stories of places around them that were very notoriously racist and KKK ran strong. But, obviously formed my opinions as I got older as well. Never thought much about racism at all given how I was raised. Plenty of different ethnicity friends in school, just general 21st Century shit. So after last summer, I did start to think about it a little and my thought was that based on just what I saw growing and how I was taught and things like that, sure racism exists, but most of it is very opportunistic for people to shine light on it. That's my opinion.

My black cousins are very anti-Trump, think he's very hateful, racist, you name it. All 2020 my cousin was just blasting facebook with this shit and making his opinion very well known. But, it's funny, and drives home my point of being opportunistic, because when my family gets together, before 2020 and during my uncle's passing, that shit didn't exist, white and black was nothing, it's just family. But he hates Trump for being "racist"......so what that says to me is that some people are pieces of shit, and some aren't. And I fully agree with that. Full disclosure, I do not think Trump is racist but I didn't wanna argue with him cause of standard arguing about Trump shit goes no where.

Now, in using that same concept, we can use that towards cops. Some cops are good, some suck dick. Have that in every profession. Now why doesn't that work with Liberals? Probably because they don't actually think for themselves most of the time. I know a few cops that are very good people, that are about my age that I went to school with, and were around some of the same people I was with different ethnicities. Guess what? Didn't fuckin matter their skin color, all friends. Now some are cops. That good person mindset doesn't change.

I live in Sarpy County, which is the Burbs of Omaha if you're not from around here. I live far enough away that it is definitely not Omaha, but still close enough to where I was slightly concerned for community safety last summer. I believe my parts are considered mostly red, which is good in my opinion. My best friend is on the Omaha Fire Department and several times he would send our close friend group texts when to stay home and inside if they had tips on things getting testy. It only happened like twice, more often than not a bunch of rumors.

Main point, racism is opportunistic more often than not, and the Left pushes that agenda each and every time the opportunity presents itself. Need less of those opportunities.

God is a Husker

Pussy Posse
Could you be more wrong?

If you can't read it because it's behind a past wall, then buy a subscription.

NYC - 45% white
NYPD - 48% white

Chicago - 49% White - 29% Black
CPD - 50% white - 21% Black - 25% Hispanic

Atlanta - 40% white - 51% Black
APD - 37% white - 58% black

St. Louis - 49% white - 45% black
SPD - 65% white - 30% black

Baltimore - 30% white - 62% black
BPD - 45% white - 40% black

Each city has either a non-white mayor or non-white majority city council or both.

NYC is the only city above that has a white Police Chief, every other city has a black man running the Police dept.

My post was intended to point out that the cities that experienced large scale rioting in recent years are not South Africa circa 1980.

PS: I hope telling me (or anybody) to buy a subscription to the NY times was a joke. Lordy


Elite Member

God is a Husker

Pussy Posse
So I'm going to go on a slight ramble and I don't know if any of it makes sense but just want to put my thoughts down.

So my family is mixed. My aunt married a black dude, one of the absolute best human beings on the planet, and their two kids, my cousins, are mixed obviously but an obvious black to them. And so growing up, like racism is just not a thing in my family, was never even considered, like my family is fantastic. My uncle isn't around anymore, he passed from Leukemia last June but like we had a massive family gathering one my aunt's side, my side, and his side, just huge mixed family gathering. Shared memories, laughs, cries, hugs, you name it, it was great. And so this is in the midst of just being shortly after the Omaha protests/riots that happened in May. So tensions are obviously still there in society. But, we all get together and this "racism" thing just doesn't exist.

Now, does racism exist? Yeah, we all know that. My grandparents used to live in South Georgia when I was a kid and when I got older I would hear stories of places around them that were very notoriously racist and KKK ran strong. But, obviously formed my opinions as I got older as well. Never thought much about racism at all given how I was raised. Plenty of different ethnicity friends in school, just general 21st Century shit. So after last summer, I did start to think about it a little and my thought was that based on just what I saw growing and how I was taught and things like that, sure racism exists, but most of it is very opportunistic for people to shine light on it. That's my opinion.

My black cousins are very anti-Trump, think he's very hateful, racist, you name it. All 2020 my cousin was just blasting facebook with this shit and making his opinion very well known. But, it's funny, and drives home my point of being opportunistic, because when my family gets together, before 2020 and during my uncle's passing, that shit didn't exist, white and black was nothing, it's just family. But he hates Trump for being "racist"......so what that says to me is that some people are pieces of shit, and some aren't. And I fully agree with that. Full disclosure, I do not think Trump is racist but I didn't wanna argue with him cause of standard arguing about Trump shit goes no where.

Now, in using that same concept, we can use that towards cops. Some cops are good, some suck dick. Have that in every profession. Now why doesn't that work with Liberals? Probably because they don't actually think for themselves most of the time. I know a few cops that are very good people, that are about my age that I went to school with, and were around some of the same people I was with different ethnicities. Guess what? Didn't fuckin matter their skin color, all friends. Now some are cops. That good person mindset doesn't change.

I live in Sarpy County, which is the Burbs of Omaha if you're not from around here. I live far enough away that it is definitely not Omaha, but still close enough to where I was slightly concerned for community safety last summer. I believe my parts are considered mostly red, which is good in my opinion. My best friend is on the Omaha Fire Department and several times he would send our close friend group texts when to stay home and inside if they had tips on things getting testy. It only happened like twice, more often than not a bunch of rumors.

Main point, racism is opportunistic more often than not, and the Left pushes that agenda each and every time the opportunity presents itself. Need less of those opportunities.

I guess I forget that some people don't know me since I was banned on the RSS for so long.

My wife is Indian and grew up in Malawi. (a small country in Southern Africa) she moved to the US when she was 14. They first moved to Alabama but only for a year before moving to Kansas and then eventually Columbus Neb. The reason they left was because the people were so racist towards them in rural Alabama. (and the economy was shit)

My wife, and her entire family, get angry when people/media talk about racism in the extreme, because they all grew up in Africa where racism actually was/still is systemic, where police are almost always corrupt and where true violence has occurred with regularity. My in laws grew up bordering Rhodesia during the decades long bush wars. The closest "big cities" and airports were in South Africa. They witnessed actual systemic racism and entire police departments that are corrupt and/or racist.

I don't think anybody argues that America is perfect, but when people say "the US is as racist as it has ever been" we need to start stopping and holding them accountable to such a ridiculous statement. 2020 is worse than 1960 when the South was segregated? 2020 is worse than 1857 when the US Supreme Court said Dred Scott didn't have standing because only a human can have standing and since he was an escaped Slave he was merely property/chattel? OF COURSE ITS NOT. A simply google search will provide you with countless examples of politicians, celebrities and faux intellectuals who push this non-sense.

PS: the past few years we have lived in the middle of nowhere in Northwest Kansas. My wife was/is probably the only brown woman for like 1,500 sq. miles and never once has there been an issue with my wife (or my son) other than people not being able to pronounce her name...but trust me, Indians are 100% used to that.

Pipe Line

Graduate Assistant
Elite Member
I guess I forget that some people don't know me since I was banned on the RSS for so long.

My wife is Indian and grew up in Malawi. (a small country in Southern Africa) she moved to the US when she was 14. They first moved to Alabama but only for a year before moving to Kansas and then eventually Columbus Neb. The reason they left was because the people were so racist towards them in rural Alabama. (and the economy was shit)

My wife, and her entire family, get angry when people/media talk about racism in the extreme, because they all grew up in Africa where racism actually was/still is systemic, where police are almost always corrupt and where true violence has occurred with regularity. My in laws grew up bordering Rhodesia during the decades long bush wars. The closest "big cities" and airports were in South Africa. They witnessed actual systemic racism and entire police departments that are corrupt and/or racist.

I don't think anybody argues that America is perfect, but when people say "the US is as racist as it has ever been" we need to start stopping and holding them accountable to such a ridiculous statement. 2020 is worse than 1960 when the South was segregated? 2020 is worse than 1857 when the US Supreme Court said Dred Scott didn't have standing because only a human can have standing and since he was an escaped Slave he was merely property/chattel? OF COURSE ITS NOT. A simply google search will provide you with countless examples of politicians, celebrities and faux intellectuals who push this non-sense.

PS: the past few years we have lived in the middle of nowhere in Northwest Kansas. My wife was/is probably the only brown woman for like 1,500 sq. miles and never once has there been an issue with my wife (or my son) other than people not being able to pronounce her name...but trust me, Indians are 100% used to that.
I genuinely believe the phrase "go to an actual racist country or an actual communist/socialist country, and you'll change your mind" is true. Some people seriously need to spend some time in places like that. I just find it appalling that some people think the color of your skin determines your American path like LeBron James, Barry Bonds, Aroldis Chapman, the entire NBA, don't exist and aren't famous and millionaires. Oppression isn't a thing anymore. Good choices, bad choices, good people, bad people, exist.

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