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How about this. Without giving specifics, does your relative share the same sentiment that others do about the miserable state of the program? Specifically pertaining to attrition (and future attrition)?
Not to my knowledge. He is a “fan” though so I can’t guarantee he doesn’t see things through rose-colored glasses like all fans do at times. But the idea that everyone hates each other and hates it here is false to my knowledge.
Heard several things from an immediate family member of a player who's legitimately on the 2-deep:
- There was a brawl on Saturday. A veteran DL got on one of the young DB's for loafing...and all hell broke loose, primarily between the DL and DB's. There was a long team meeting yesterday to air out some issues.
- WanDale is not hurt.
- Omar has mental health issues. As of right now he is still on the team. He may play at some point, or he may never play. They are treating him with kid gloves.
- Special Teams, and in particular Kicking is still a big problem. Also, the players do not like the new ST analyst.
Heard several things from an immediate family member of a player who's legitimately on the 2-deep:
- There was a brawl on Saturday. A veteran DL got on one of the young DB's for loafing...and all hell broke loose, primarily between the DL and DB's. There was a long team meeting yesterday to air out some issues.
- WanDale is not hurt.
- Omar has mental health issues. As of right now he is still on the team. He may play at some point, or he may never play. They are treating him with kid gloves.
- Special Teams, and in particular Kicking is still a big problem. Also, the players do not like the new ST analyst.

Thanks for sharing. If any of these turn out to be not true I'm going to make passive aggressive comments calling you out and do literally nothing else.
Heard several things from an immediate family member of a player who's legitimately on the 2-deep:
- There was a brawl on Saturday. A veteran DL got on one of the young DB's for loafing...and all hell broke loose, primarily between the DL and DB's. There was a long team meeting yesterday to air out some issues.
- WanDale is not hurt.
- Omar has mental health issues. As of right now he is still on the team. He may play at some point, or he may never play. They are treating him with kid gloves.
- Special Teams, and in particular Kicking is still a big problem. Also, the players do not like the new ST analyst.

weve had sooooooo many dam good kickers over the years should try to get one of them back in a coaching role to help the young-ins out. If our ST is as bad as last year it’ll be a really tough year again
player who's legitimately on the 2-deep:
- There was a brawl on Saturday. A veteran DL got on one of the young DB's for loafing...and all hell broke loose, primarily between the DL and DB's. There was a long team meeting yesterday to air out some issues.
- WanDale is not hurt.
- Omar has mental health issues. As of right now he is still on the team. He may play at some point, or he may never play. They are treating him with kid gloves.
- Special Teams, and in particular Kicking is still a big problem. Also, the playe

^^^ This is 100% good information.
Heard several things from an immediate family member of a player who's legitimately on the 2-deep:
- There was a brawl on Saturday. A veteran DL got on one of the young DB's for loafing...and all hell broke loose, primarily between the DL and DB's. There was a long team meeting yesterday to air out some issues.
- WanDale is not hurt.
- Omar has mental health issues. As of right now he is still on the team. He may play at some point, or he may never play. They are treating him with kid gloves.
- Special Teams, and in particular Kicking is still a big problem. Also, the players do not like the new ST analyst.
Thanks. Hearing that ST is still an issue is very concerning, as is the ST analyst issue.

Fights in practice happen, good news on WR1, and sounds like consistent info on Omar.
Heard several things from an immediate family member of a player who's legitimately on the 2-deep:
- There was a brawl on Saturday. A veteran DL got on one of the young DB's for loafing...and all hell broke loose, primarily between the DL and DB's. There was a long team meeting yesterday to air out some issues.
- WanDale is not hurt.
- Omar has mental health issues. As of right now he is still on the team. He may play at some point, or he may never play. They are treating him with kid gloves.
- Special Teams, and in particular Kicking is still a big problem. Also, the players do not like the new ST analyst.
Kicking issues? Fuck. Maybe we should go look around campus or a downtown restaurant for someone who played Nebraska high school soccer. Oh wait, we did. 🤣
Heard several things from an immediate family member of a player who's legitimately on the 2-deep:
- There was a brawl on Saturday. A veteran DL got on one of the young DB's for loafing...and all hell broke loose, primarily between the DL and DB's. There was a long team meeting yesterday to air out some issues.
- WanDale is not hurt.
- Omar has mental health issues. As of right now he is still on the team. He may play at some point, or he may never play. They are treating him with kid gloves.
- Special Teams, and in particular Kicking is still a big problem. Also, the players do not like the new ST analyst.
We're still gonna suck, aren't we?
We're still gonna suck, aren't we?

Heard several things from an immediate family member of a player who's legitimately on the 2-deep:
- There was a brawl on Saturday. A veteran DL got on one of the young DB's for loafing...and all hell broke loose, primarily between the DL and DB's. There was a long team meeting yesterday to air out some issues.
- WanDale is not hurt.
- Omar has mental health issues. As of right now he is still on the team. He may play at some point, or he may never play. They are treating him with kid gloves.
- Special Teams, and in particular Kicking is still a big problem. Also, the players do not like the new ST analyst.
this just means we are on our way to being Bama 😎
I heard the opposite fwiw. Maybe not back to the Nebraska standard, but good enough to not be a complete liability.

Rest of what you said checks out.

Per source

I have a nephew on the ST unit and he says this year is WAAAY better compared to last year in terms of coaching/how well everyone gets along (ST-wise). Not saying their play is any better, but coaching and kids getting along is a lot better.
Heard several things from an immediate family member of a player who's legitimately on the 2-deep:
- There was a brawl on Saturday. A veteran DL got on one of the young DB's for loafing...and all hell broke loose, primarily between the DL and DB's. There was a long team meeting yesterday to air out some issues.
- WanDale is not hurt.
- Omar has mental health issues. As of right now he is still on the team. He may play at some point, or he may never play. They are treating him with kid gloves.
- Special Teams, and in particular Kicking is still a big problem. Also, the players do not like the new ST analyst.

btw the reason I did the laughing emoji was your last line of the players not liking the ST analyst....probably sucks to hear how garbage your play has been constantly
@HuskerGarrett looks like someone else needs an Insideher label.

LOL, no, I'll share some stuff if I hear it, but the last thing I want is for him to get in trouble for his uncle's big mouth 🙂.

A few older nuggets from his perspective though.....nothing too earth shattering:
He though Mo Washington was a total POS and was constantly getting in trouble/skipping classes last year. He was always on the the counsel's list for extra conditioning almost every single day. He said Wandale is a super cool dude like you would expect if you met him. He's the future of the Huskers and "knows it", so Frost lets him do whatever he wants basically. He isn't a huge fan of AM. Says, at least last year, he thought he was so much better than everyone else he wouldn't give you the time of the day. Other than that nothing too exciting. He said Rutlidge>>>>Dewitt and the special teams group is MUCH more fun to be around this year, so I take that as a positive.

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