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Row the boat to Tennessee?

Mod how you want to mod, my man. I still think the jbt reaction is a good idea for the rare occasions on this board were folks quote themselves. This one didn't really qualify, since there were other posts in between.

Also, that fake feud you had with @Baron Winnebago seemed fun, so I wanted to join in.
Fake feud? Now that I've got a rough approximation of Jim's age, weight, and city of residence I'm going to start running over pedestrians who roughly fit those parameters with a rented 2007 Baby Blue Hummer H2
Fake feud? Now that I've got a rough approximation of Jim's age, weight, and city of residence I'm going to start running over pedestrians who roughly fit those parameters with a rented 2007 Baby Blue Hummer H2
I’ll send you his Facebook
Going to get my conceal and carry so I can start shooting at any baby blue hummers that drive within shooting distance.

Edit: this was meant for the goals of 2021 thread.
Small piece of legal advice, as long as you yell "stand your ground" before shooting you can't be charged for any crimes.
He should jump. He will get some outside help recruiting there and I don’t know how many kids really want to go to Minnesota at this point with what has happened there. I know people like to talk shit about the guy, but he does have some coaching ability.
Isn’t TN gonna be on some sort of ban for this outside recruiting help? What has happened at Minnesota?
I fucking hate coffee.

Isn’t TN gonna be on some sort of ban for this outside recruiting help? What has happened at Minnesota?
I’m assuming it will be short term. The NCAA never comes down hard on anyone for cheating anymore. You’re better off cheating than not cheating. The whole SEC does it. As for Minneapolis I’m talking about what has happened city wise with their issues. Maybe it isn’t a big deal to what Fleck wants to do. I still see Tennessee as a better job. It’s possible to be a top 10 program if you get the right coach. Honestly I think it’s a better job than Nebraska since you can recruit easier there.
Tennessee is a tough job, with their administration, boosters and crazy ass fanbase, it puts a lot of coaches in a no-win situation. I'm not so sure PJ would succeed there with how unrealistic their expectations are ..
Tennessee is a tough job, with their administration, boosters and crazy ass fanbase, it puts a lot of coaches in a no-win situation. I'm not so sure PJ would succeed there with how unrealistic their expectations are ..
I think they are pretty beat down like us at this point. Winning 8-9 games a year would go a long ways. I do agree their administration has seemed to be a big problem. They would probably be in a better place today if their stupid fan base didn’t run off Schiano.
I thought Flecks silence on the Big 10 cancelling the season early on was very telling of his character.

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