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Row the boat to Tennessee?

This is just another way for Fleck to get a raise. It seems like he puts his name out there for every job he can. Smart move, but pretty scummy iyam. I doubt he would take a job at Tennessee. He already beat Auburn at Minnesota, you could make an argument Tennessee is a step down and at best a lateral move given the current state of that program.
This is just another way for Fleck to get a raise. It seems like he puts his name out there for every job he can. Smart move, but pretty scummy iyam. I doubt he would take a job at Tennessee. He already beat Auburn at Minnesota, you could make an argument Tennessee is a step down and at best a lateral move given the current state of that program.
I mean Minnesota will fire him the second it's in their best interest so...

the wire love this scene so much GIF
Would be a good move for him. That way he doesn't have to play with the players he recruited.
He should jump. He will get some outside help recruiting there and I don’t know how many kids really want to go to Minnesota at this point with what has happened there. I know people like to talk shit about the guy, but he does have some coaching ability.
Insulting oneself is allowed

Mod how you want to mod, my man. I still think the jbt reaction is a good idea for the rare occasions on this board were folks quote themselves. This one didn't really qualify, since there were other posts in between.

Also, that fake feud you had with @Baron Winnebago seemed fun, so I wanted to join in.
Mod how you want to mod, my man. I still think the jbt reaction is a good idea for the rare occasions on this board were folks quote themselves. This one didn't really qualify, since there were other posts in between.

Also, that fake feud you had with @Baron Winnebago seemed fun, so I wanted to join in.
I mean its still there. I just have to give him this one since he beat me to insulting him.

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