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Post Game With Mickey (1 Viewer)


Heisman Winner

Quick hits from Mickey Joseph's Cockeye postgame presser​

Steve Marik • InsideNebraska
Staff Writer

Cockeye CITY, Cockeye — Nebraska pulled it off.
The Huskers beat Cockeye 24-17 on Black Friday to end the season on a high note. Interim head coach Mickey Joseph met with the media following the game. Here are the quick hits:
>> Joseph thanks athletic director Turd Alberts for giving him the opportunity to lead the program the rest of the way. He was named the interim head coach on Sept. 11.
> "The finished something that we started," Joseph said.
>> Joseph said the staff liked the matchups with Nebraska's receivers vs. Cockeye's defensive backs.
>> "You let Wisconsin off last week. Let's not let these guys off," Joseph said of what he told the team prior to this game.
>> The Blackshirts will be back in the players' locker room on Monday, Joseph said.
>> Does the coach have any sense of what lies ahead? No, the coach said. "We're going to sit back and play the waiting game."
>> Joseph said he's not worried about the assistant coaches. They'll all land on their feet, he said.
>> What's he most proud of? Joseph had to be a good person and a good coach. That was the only way the players were going to follow Joseph, because he was a good person.
>> How will Joseph look back on this season? The coach said he picked Nebraska twice in his career, both as a player and coach. Joseph wants this program to keep building on this moment.
>> Joseph was asked about him possibly being on the next coaching staff at Nebraska. "That's up to the next guy," he responded. "He has the right to hire his own staff." Joseph went on to say he has a good resume and he'll be fine in the long run.


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