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Player tweetstorm

Honestly I loved the “we want to play football” tweetstorm back in the summer but this one just reeks of desperation and ass-kissing imo
I’m guessing the tweets have something to do with the score they are keeping track of this off-season for the teams
Nothing wrong with some PR.

Gerrod L was hastily liking these tweets left and right. Clearly a carefully orchestrated media blitz, capped off by Scott and his wife giving money to Teammates and her making her first ever public appearance.

Even if it's all scripted, you gotta win the offseason when you don't make any coaching changes and lose half of your offensive playmakers.

Hope it all works out in the end.
Gerrod L was hastily liking these tweets left and right. Clearly a carefully orchestrated media blitz, capped off by Scott and his wife giving money to Teammates and her making her first ever public appearance.

Even if it's all scripted, you gotta win the offseason when you don't make any coaching changes and lose half of your offensive playmakers.

Hope it all works out in the end.
Yes, I can feel the hope through your post. It was obviously orchestrated but I don't think people would retweet if they weren't behind em. They'd not say anything, right?
Yes, I can feel the hope through your post. It was obviously orchestrated but I don't think people would if they weren't behind em. They'd not say anything, right?
Let's face it, Scott and the Program are desperate for good momentum. It's a hail mary and why not. Win the off season and go from there.

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