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Pissing match on RSS

Inside info? I mean, I believe you, but just curious what juicy behind the scenes nuggz I may have missed.
No nuggz, sorry. I'm just looking at the team more objectively these days.

Kapi is the only player I have contact with now and I'm sticking to "do well in school, don't get drunk and drive, and don't get her pregnant" texts.
The Terry Wilson thread is turning into a classic too. Rufus claims he’s our Russell Wilson. A lot of people saying no thanks. Dean getting pissed and of course Pete showing his eternal sunshine up everyone’s ass.
The way he came out blasting in that thread as soon as someone raised a question about the desirability of this move, you'd think ol' Gerrod put the fear of God into him about selling this to the hoi polloi.
Some exerpts:

This isn’t about other sports getting things. It’s about this sports team getting the same thing as other sports.

There are legit safety concerns that the admin has declined to resolve. This head coach offered to put $3,000 down for new equipment if the school would match it and they declined.

They choose to look past the safety of the student athlete. They choose to pay for new equipment each year for other sports.

Yes all my info is coming directly from the head coach. The AD told him that each team goes in cycles for new uniforms so only a couple get new ones each year. But the football team has gotten new helmets and new uniforms the past 4 years while it’s been at least 6 years for this program.

jw.3 said so it's definitely grappling. it might be time for schools to examine cutting this sport altogether if ungrateful and meddling parents are going to pull this stuff. @Husker Hank and I were grapplers in the 70s at 103 lbs and we had nothing more for equipment than tattered old singlets, moldy headgear, a bottle of baby oil and a hard gym floor. and you never saw us complaining about fancy warm up suits; we did it for the love of the sport.

I understand your point but this isn’t the 70’s and the kids who have dedicated their lives to this sport deserve better treatment. It doesn’t matter if it’s boys golf, girls tennis, or volleyball. They all deserve the same amount of support and treatment and they all deserve the proper equipment to compete and to keep them safe.

I do know for certain that the school purchased the senior banners for other sports teams and also all the new equipment. I’m not whining about practicing in the good gym. We have a wrestling deck to practice on. I’m talking tournaments that we have NEVER been allowed to use that gym. Not once has there ever been a wrestling mat in that gym. Middle school sports get to use that gym.
Good one from @Bootleg11

Hank chiming in to get attorneys involved.

I would see legal advice. Some ADs, that is the only way to talk to them. Let them know that you are willing to go as far as is needed. I dont get that mindset for an AD, because if I am an AD, I would want all my offered sports to be successful, and look good, and that requires being competitive with other schools in equipment, and practice environment, along with coaching.
Some exerpts:

This isn’t about other sports getting things. It’s about this sports team getting the same thing as other sports.

There are legit safety concerns that the admin has declined to resolve. This head coach offered to put $3,000 down for new equipment if the school would match it and they declined.

They choose to look past the safety of the student athlete. They choose to pay for new equipment each year for other sports.

Yes all my info is coming directly from the head coach. The AD told him that each team goes in cycles for new uniforms so only a couple get new ones each year. But the football team has gotten new helmets and new uniforms the past 4 years while it’s been at least 6 years for this program.

jw.3 said so it's definitely grappling. it might be time for schools to examine cutting this sport altogether if ungrateful and meddling parents are going to pull this stuff. @Husker Hank and I were grapplers in the 70s at 103 lbs and we had nothing more for equipment than tattered old singlets, moldy headgear, a bottle of baby oil and a hard gym floor. and you never saw us complaining about fancy warm up suits; we did it for the love of the sport.

I understand your point but this isn’t the 70’s and the kids who have dedicated their lives to this sport deserve better treatment. It doesn’t matter if it’s boys golf, girls tennis, or volleyball. They all deserve the same amount of support and treatment and they all deserve the proper equipment to compete and to keep them safe.

I do know for certain that the school purchased the senior banners for other sports teams and also all the new equipment. I’m not whining about practicing in the good gym. We have a wrestling deck to practice on. I’m talking tournaments that we have NEVER been allowed to use that gym. Not once has there ever been a wrestling mat in that gym. Middle school sports get to use that gym.
I fully agree that this is currently the best pissing match on RRS right now.

I respect the sport of wrestling and know a lot of great guys who wrestled, but you gotta admit, they make it so easy to get under their skin that you can’t resist.
I fully agree that this is currently the best pissing match on RRS right now.

I respect the sport of wrestling and know a lot of great guys who wrestled, but you gotta admit, they make it so easy to get under their skin that you can’t resist.
I can't think of many more monolithic subsets of society than wrestlers/wrestling fans. Very few who break the mold of little brother syndrome when it comes to other sports.
Which thread?
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I loved in one thread where someone made meme boards of Gerrod L directing the social media blast. Surprised Deano left those up.
I just saw that one. That's glorious. Normally, I'm content to just give a guy a Like and move on, but he warranted the Orson Welles applause gif.

The poster is JankTheTank. @HuskerGarrett , is he here? I don't see it when I try to @ him.
I just saw that one. That's glorious. Normally, I'm content to just give a guy a Like and move on, but he warranted the Orson Welles applause gif.

The poster is JankTheTank. @HuskerGarrett , is he here? I don't see it when I try to @ him.

@HuskerGarrett just sent me the link to this place. Thanks for the kind words.
Your #Banners4Safety post slayed me hahaha
Guy acts like this is about safety. When really he’s just mad that his sons wrestling has been relegated to a designated wrestling room and not getting those goofy senior banners with the kid’s name and picture on it.

He’s completely full of shit about any high school athletic program paying for new uniforms for a team annually. Those agreements are usually 4 or 6 years. If anything some of other sports likely fundraised better than his kids sport.

My guess is his son goes to a school that has a few very successful programs in it. Those programs have great participation with high participation numbers and the parent organization for money making mechanisms in place. And this new wrestling coach is trying to develop a similar program but has decided that his best route is to complain about favoritism towards more successful, established programs.

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