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Pissing match on RSS

RSS blows. Glad im on TPB. All hail @HuskerGarrett
british lol GIF by Acorn TV
That thread is highly entertaining. Between Severee being roasted by every poster to Damon double and triple posting replies and quote function not working properly it’s a beautiful mess. RSS gets triggered by local radio potato personality Mike’l and he in turn gets triggered by some of the worst shit posters on RSS.
Got some cliffs of what Bennington and Severe are saying?
A few people calling Severe a hack and NU hater. He claims ratings are highest ever since he joined. He also says he doesn’t hate NU.

Benning was hard to follow. Either he doesn’t know how the quote function works or there’s a problem.

Most people doubting that Johnson was really offered by every Big school except NU. I would have to agree with that.

Just a lot of posters getting their panties in a wad.
One of the most entertaining things for me is when some idiot can't figure out the quote function and completely butchers it, and a handful of posters start quoting the butchered post and none of any idea of who is arguing about what.
God we need to start winning so fucking badly.
And that is not going to happen. It's interesting, the further I get away from the State and caring about the football team, the more clearly I can see that our Huskers are not getting back to even mediocrity anytime soon. Typing that does not make me happy, btw.
Have their been any Nebraska girls hs wrestling posts recently? Seems like that could be a good one to pursue.
And that is not going to happen. It's interesting, the further I get away from the State and caring about the football team, the more clearly I can see that our Huskers are not getting back to even mediocrity anytime soon. Typing that does not make me happy, btw.

Interesting Take. Good thing HuskerPete and Wyldtard aren't on here...they would roast you for that one!
And that is not going to happen. It's interesting, the further I get away from the State and caring about the football team, the more clearly I can see that our Huskers are not getting back to even mediocrity anytime soon. Typing that does not make me happy, btw.
Inside info? I mean, I believe you, but just curious what juicy behind the scenes nuggz I may have missed.

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