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People watching at the zoo

Faux Sean Callahan

Head Coach
Fucking stampede of fats around the zoo.

Also a friendly request to our lawmakers. Next time you pass a trillion dollar spending bill maybe put in the fine print something about outlawing yoga pants that are bigger than a medium. Anything with an X in front should be a felony to wear.
Fucking stampede of fats around the zoo.

Also a friendly request to our lawmakers. Next time you pass a trillion dollar spending bill maybe put in the fine print something about outlawing yoga pants that are bigger than a medium. Anything with an X in front should be a felony to wear.
Everyone is just pretending they care about others by wearing a mask during covid because they won’t slap the Big Mac and xlarge pop out of their hand while this country dies of heart disease and diabetes
It was horrible when I went. A lot of good looking MILFs, but man, too many 2x their normal weight.
Fucking stampede of fats around the zoo.

Also a friendly request to our lawmakers. Next time you pass a trillion dollar spending bill maybe put in the fine print something about outlawing yoga pants that are bigger than a medium. Anything with an X in front should be a felony to wear.
It’s almost like the people that are closest to animals want to watch themselves in a cage
I enjoy taking my kids to the zoo. But I hope they realize the sacrifice I make each time to tolerate all of the fûcking fat fucks, the rude, oblivious foreigners, the slow walking dipshits. Terrible parents that can’t keep a handle on their kids. I get triggered as fuck at the zoo.

on another note. We took our kids to the zoo right before covid shut shit down. It was kind of people were freaking out about it. But not everything shut down. We missed that my like 3 days. And man. The Omaha zoo was glorious. I didn’t have to deal with any of the above mentioned abominations to society. Was the most pleasant time I’ve ever been.
I enjoy taking my kids to the zoo. But I hope they realize the sacrifice I make each time to tolerate all of the fûcking fat fucks, the rude, oblivious foreigners, the slow walking dipshits. Terrible parents that can’t keep a handle on their kids. I get triggered as fuck at the zoo.

on another note. We took our kids to the zoo right before covid shut shit down. It was kind of people were freaking out about it. But not everything shut down. We missed that my like 3 days. And man. The Omaha zoo was glorious. I didn’t have to deal with any of the above mentioned abominations to society. Was the most pleasant time I’ve ever been.
We usually hit up the zoo in the winter time.
I enjoy taking my kids to the zoo. But I hope they realize the sacrifice I make each time to tolerate all of the fûcking fat fucks, the rude, oblivious foreigners, the slow walking dipshits. Terrible parents that can’t keep a handle on their kids. I get triggered as fuck at the zoo.
Ya people who can't handle their kids really grind my gears. Fucking kid cut my kids in the penguin glass cutout deal. My oldest is 4 and knows how to wait her fucking turn.
Fucking stampede of fats around the zoo.

Also a friendly request to our lawmakers. Next time you pass a trillion dollar spending bill maybe put in the fine print something about outlawing yoga pants that are bigger than a medium. Anything with an X in front should be a felony to wear.

Fucking stampede of fats around the zoo.

Also a friendly request to our lawmakers. Next time you pass a trillion dollar spending bill maybe put in the fine print something about outlawing yoga pants that are bigger than a medium. Anything with an X in front should be a felony to wear.
Yep......3 kids under the age of 4. Let’s go to the zoo. “Dad of the Year” nominee......😱

I enjoy taking my kids to the zoo. But I hope they realize the sacrifice I make each time to tolerate all of the fûcking fat fucks, the rude, oblivious foreigners, the slow walking dipshits. Terrible parents that can’t keep a handle on their kids. I get triggered as fuck at the zoo.

on another note. We took our kids to the zoo right before covid shut shit down. It was kind of people were freaking out about it. But not everything shut down. We missed that my like 3 days. And man. The Omaha zoo was glorious. I didn’t have to deal with any of the above mentioned abominations to society. Was the most pleasant time I’ve ever been.
I’ll never forget being at the Omaha zoo with my uncle as a kid. My uncle was a marine corp Vietnam vet, and drunk for most of my childhood. A kid was tapping on the glass of the gorillas and he went and tapped on this kids dads sunglasses right in the eye and screamed at him to get his kid or he would throw his kid in there with the apes. At the time I was confused, when I got older I gained a lot of clarity with it and love my uncle for doing that.
The disservice parents are giving their child by letting them run amok and be little assholes is really annoying and probably most evident at the zoo.

Get your fucking kids under control. Throwing fits in public, letting their kids punch and slap their parents, telling parents no and getting away with it, being rude to others, not using please and thank you....grow some balls parents.

Its OK to tell kids no and if you are going to threaten them with spanking/time out/ taking something away etc etc...then follow thru.

Sorry wussified parents piss me off.

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