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Not trying to be a jerk... (1 Viewer)


Heisman Winner
247 regularly produces much more original content, and much more recruiting info. RSS consists of Dean, Robin, and the Intern who do the "reporting", Mike, who like the Wizard of Oz...man behind the curtain, and Mongo, who lives in Texas and is usually way wrong on most predictions. I genuinely love that site!
Hey don't forget what my boy Gregg brings to the table.


Graduate Assistant
I was thinking about creating a thread over at RSS and calling out the staff. But I worry about getting gang banged by the sunshine pumpers since I'm being mean, though truthful.

One of a few things will happen:

1) Apologists attack
2) Staff attacks/makes excuses and tells you that your point isn’t valid for one reason or another
3) Thread is zapped

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