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Nominations for tPB poster of the year. (2 Viewers)


Pussy Patrol
Elite Member
Please give your nominations for the 2023 tPB Poster of the Year

Past winners:

2020 - @kenyanfeline
2021 - @alt f4
2022 - @slattimer

We will take the top 5-10 or so nominees and have a poll for the winner.

I’ll start. I nominate @HuskerDocCo for countless gems like this:

I also nominate @BIG TONE SOPRANO. This year was basically his redemption tour and her was proved right over and over again and made sure to let you know it. Lots of pissing in people’s mouths this year.

I also nominate @HuskerGarrett for obvious reasons, but mainly for his ability to manage the site while also being a successful TikTok influencer.
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