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NFL Bengals nuggs, again thanks to... (1 Viewer)


El Guapo
NUfanNOmaterwhat...bummer they cut Stan :( any of you dbags c&P this and blow my creds we will be meeting at you know where:

Aug 7, 2020
This has been the strangest year for sports and football in my 45 years of being around this game as player, coach, and scout. We didn't even know we can have work outs or any camps till a few days ago. We were not able to see or work with our players till a week ago. Our scouting was pretty much put on hold all Spring and summer s once none of P5 schools were doing anything. I can not remember being on zoom as much much as I have been this past few month ever before.

So, it has been a blessing to finally be on the practice filed and do what all of us coaches love to do which is teach this game. I really looked forward to joining the Bangles in Jan not only because of Zac, but also I felt this is a franchise that really can make some noise in NFL the next few years. Of course this strange times and Covid situation put all of us behind the 8 ball and this is particularly true with teams like the Bangles that are on total rebuilding mode with a staff primarily in their 2nd year. But I am very impressed with the level of commitment to win by the owner and the management and by the quality of coaching we have here.

I believe what Zac and staff have done in the past 2 drafts has been fantastic and we are putting a team together that has a solid foundation of good veteran players while the new guys that have been added are all great additions to this team. Of course the crown jewel and the face of the franchise is Burrow and he has been even better in these past few workouts than we expected. And it is not all about his skills of football abilities which is off the chart, but it is more about how this young man carries himself and his unbelievable maturity and leadership skills. Our veteran players like Green and Mixon are at awe how this young man handles each rep and how much he has the control of the huddle.

Of course he worked his ass off thus off season through countless hours of zoom meetings to learn the playbook and that shows so far. I think we will have a very good offensive unit and his addition just completed a big part of this puzzle.

The 2 areas we need to get better and quickly are the OL (something I am working with along with scouting) to protect Burrow and get the run game going, and we must improve our defense which was among the worse in the league if we have any hopes of turning things around. I think we have made many good moves this off season and they draft to give us a chance to improve on both areas. But, of course it is going to take time to develops these young talented players we got and that's why the lack of pre season games hurts the teams like Bangles more.

But it is what it is and this is the game we have been dealt. I like the make up of this team and how they have looked these past few practices. But we have yet to put pads on and without live practices it is hard to evaluate where we are going to be when we kick off the season. We have been fortunate not to have many guys effected by Covid so fingers crossed we will have our full roster when the hitting begins.

Finally, it is ironic that that Carter and Morgan were the 2 of my most favorite recent Huskers who I had so many posts about on RSS during their Huskers careers are now are fighting to make the roster here. I am fairly certain Carter will be retained but guys like Morgan and Freedom have a lot of competitions. We really like Morgan but his fighting with 7 or 8 more free agent to take one or 2 spots. Freedom is going to have less chance to get retained. However, it is very early and many changes to roster off our between now and start of the season.

This is a better Bangles team than the one Zac took over and hopefully we will have a season so we can see just how much better we have gotten.

Got to run. Time to watch some practice tape.

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