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New name emerges for Montana state gig

Cowboy Hat GIF by rezsocial
Yeah. I actually think he's a pretty good coach, but he definitely wasn't the guy to hire with like 10% buy in.

Good point. Whoever followed Bo was going to struggle after Bo went full scorched-earth on this way out of the door. Riley was the wrong guy at the wrong time, but what he did at Oregon State was solid.
Good point. Whoever followed Bo was going to struggle after Bo went full scorched-earth on this way out of the door. Riley was the wrong guy at the wrong time, but what he did at Oregon State was solid.
I don't think anyone other than Eichorst and a handful of boosters were even open to giving it a try. Bo didn't help with the team, but hell Riley still got that locker room locked in enough to win 9 games his second year.

It wasn't the right circumstances and Riley just wasn't the right guy for the moment, but it doesn't seem like anyone will ever be at Nebraska again.
Good point. Whoever followed Bo was going to struggle after Bo went full scorched-earth on this way out of the door. Riley was the wrong guy at the wrong time, but what he did at Oregon State was solid.
I don’t buy that. Husker fans would have accepted Riley if he didn’t tank. The only hypocritical thing is not holding Frost to the same standard Riley was held to. You could tell in three years Riley wasn’t the guy, and the same can be said for Frost. He won’t ever win us anything of significance.
I don't think anyone other than Eichorst and a handful of boosters were even open to giving it a try. Bo didn't help with the team, but hell Riley still got that locker room locked in enough to win 9 games his second year.

It wasn't the right circumstances and Riley just wasn't the right guy for the moment, but it doesn't seem like anyone will ever be at Nebraska again.

I think a lot of that buy in for that season also had to do with guys playing for Sam. There was a lot of emotion that year for guys we haven’t seen in awhile.

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