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I obviously have a general idea about the place: It's a private board with an invitation-only membership base that purports to traffic in inside-her information. I have some more specific questions for you fine folks:

1) Is anyone here also a member there? If so, how did you get invited? I have to say, I'm curious about how broad a net they cast, because I'm a damned elite poster on RSS (sort of like @Baron Winnebago ) and no one ever invited my ass. Sad!

2) Anyone have an idea what the board is like? What's the approximate size of the poster base? Do they strictly talk Husker sports or is there a robust OT element like here?

was a member from 2007 until a few years back. Guys that run it always treated me well and I did have fun
I think there were a vocal few that weren't in favor of the hire for a variety of reasons. The past couple of seasons provides plenty of fodder for those who weren't in favor of the hire. Of course, there were a few who were really well connected with the old stuff and I'm sure there are some hard feelings from that. A lot of the negative vibes are just harder to ignore compared to RSS because the posters can write coherent sentences.

Jeezus there are a lot of petty, bitter people out there.
  1. Pissed that I haven't been, but not surprised that I wasn't invited.
  2. Curious who you have to know (or fuck) to get invited there.
  3. Surprised that it is/was made up of such young'uns like @BushAK.
Then again, if it is more negative than RSS and tPB, I'm not interested. @Baron Winnebago's nihilism is enough for now.
the rock what can i say except youre welcome GIF by The Academy Awards
So, I guess we are lol. Any tidbits on this?

I don't know a lot of details or who it was. But, someone I know asked for a scrimmage tape for his supervisor and evaluation/advancement purposes. He was told no because someone was leaking practice film to opponents and they were changing the ways they shared video amongst the team to tighten up security. It sounded like it wasnt anyone on the team or staff but someone else within the AD.

I'm sure if I dig around I could find out other information on it.

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