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Johannes de Silentio

Offensive Lineman
Elite Member
I obviously have a general idea about the place: It's a private board with an invitation-only membership base that purports to traffic in inside-her information. I have some more specific questions for you fine folks:

1) Is anyone here also a member there? If so, how did you get invited? I have to say, I'm curious about how broad a net they cast, because I'm a damned elite poster on RSS (sort of like @Baron Winnebago ) and no one ever invited my ass. Sad!

2) Anyone have an idea what the board is like? What's the approximate size of the poster base? Do they strictly talk Husker sports or is there a robust OT element like here?
I obviously have a general idea about the place: It's a private board with an invitation-only membership base that purports to traffic in inside-her information. I have some more specific questions for you fine folks:

1) Is anyone here also a member there? If so, how did you get invited? I have to say, I'm curious about how broad a net they cast, because I'm a damned elite poster on RSS (sort of like @Baron Winnebago ) and no one ever invited my ass. Sad!

2) Anyone have an idea what the board is like? What's the approximate size of the poster base? Do they strictly talk Husker sports or is there a robust OT element like here?
I haven't been invited either. Conclusion. Board sucks
1) I’m pretty sure you have to be invited by a current member. One of my former roommates at UNL was (is?) a member and asked if I wanted to join years ago. I declined bc I believe he said it’s like $20/month to join (though it’s been a while so this may off, but it was substantially more than RSS).

2) No idea
I have a friend who relays info from there

1) you have to get recommend from a current member

2) They get a good info but they seem to pump ALOT of negative rumors. They did report Wandale was leaving like 2 months ago which seemed ridiculous at the time
1. Yes, I have a whopping 7 posts on that board. You get invited by someone already a member there. It's $20/mo. I join off and on because outside the season and spring practice weeks it's nothing exciting.

2. They have a pretty strict rules on sharing of their inside info and will track you down if you post it outside their board. That doesn't stop people from rephrasing it and passing it off on RSS and other boards. A lot of inside info you find on those boards has been on NCIU for a few hours. They have REALLY good inside sources on a lot of things inside all the sports programs. Their practice reports and game day reports are the best there are. Mid level AD, coaches, and in some cases head coaches themselves will throw information that way. The posting and board style is different, they don't have a lot of threads, but the 3-4 active threads have 500-1000 posts each. The threads to go off the rails from time to time with various posters. They board in general leans anti-frost and pumps a lot of anit-Frost stuff. Don't get the board owners and the 3-4 legit insiders confused with the gen pop. The Gen pop ruins the board with RSS like opinions, but with a much higher IQ. Like the LM thread went off the rails for about 10 pages.

There are some really good OT and random football related running threads from the last 10+ years that are good reads. Like there is a "what really happened" thread that is 1k+ replies of random football player related stories from their time here and out of school.

There has been stuff I witnessed at practice was posted before I even got home. At one time I know they had access to practice video, however a person in the AD was selling that same video to opposing teams and they lost their access to that practice film. They didn't post the video, but relayed plays and information from that practice. This year with COVID their information was relayed through a coach to them.

About 4-5 years ago there was a GA who I chatted with at practice who ended up going to the same gym I did. He traveled to away games and was around the program and would text me information outside what happened in practice and general team gossip. Then I joined NCIU for a few months and I noticed that same information, almost word for word on there. I later found out he was the one throwing them information.
I used to be a member but I don't remember why I dropped out. I know I never paid anything. This was years ago when it first started and I had another username. It did lean negative though if I remember correctly.
I may or may not be on there. I also may or may not post in basketball threads and outdoor threads. Like everyone else, a bunch of sources were eliminated once Frost was hired.

I may or may not like the board but I can understand how some people maybe turned off from it.
1. Yes, I have a whopping 7 posts on that board. You get invited by someone already a member there. It's $20/mo. I join off and on because outside the season and spring practice weeks it's nothing exciting.

2. They have a pretty strict rules on sharing of their inside info and will track you down if you post it outside their board. That doesn't stop people from rephrasing it and passing it off on RSS and other boards. A lot of inside info you find on those boards has been on NCIU for a few hours. They have REALLY good inside sources on a lot of things inside all the sports programs. Their practice reports and game day reports are the best there are. Mid level AD, coaches, and in some cases head coaches themselves will throw information that way. The posting and board style is different, they don't have a lot of threads, but the 3-4 active threads have 500-1000 posts each. The threads to go off the rails from time to time with various posters. They board in general leans anti-frost and pumps a lot of anit-Frost stuff. Don't get the board owners and the 3-4 legit insiders confused with the gen pop. The Gen pop ruins the board with RSS like opinions, but with a much higher IQ. Like the LM thread went off the rails for about 10 pages.

There are some really good OT and random football related running threads from the last 10+ years that are good reads. Like there is a "what really happened" thread that is 1k+ replies of random football player related stories from their time here and out of school.

There has been stuff I witnessed at practice was posted before I even got home. At one time I know they had access to practice video, however a person in the AD was selling that same video to opposing teams and they lost their access to that practice film. They didn't post the video, but relayed plays and information from that practice. This year with COVID their information was relayed through a coach to them.

About 4-5 years ago there was a GA who I chatted with at practice who ended up going to the same gym I did. He traveled to away games and was around the program and would text me information outside what happened in practice and general team gossip. Then I joined NCIU for a few months and I noticed that same information, almost word for word on there. I later found out he was the one throwing them information.
Holy shit—Are we gonna gloss over the fact someone was selling practice tape?
I somehow imagine a world where this exact post is currently on the NCIU board.

and they banter on about our inside her information and our sexual exploits threads.
“Yeah it’s invite only and then once you’re in you get to see tons of tittys. And assholes“
I have a couple friends on that board and let me tell you, they are the most negative people ever when it comes to anything NU fb. They refuse to admit there’s been any sort of progress of any form. They’re all about Nebraska sucks all around and everyone is transferring. Honestly, I can barely stand talking about NU fb with them. I’ve seen the gameday posts and all that and they’re real legit with some great info but...

TLDR: Fuck that board
They board in general leans anti-frost and pumps a lot of anit-Frost stuff.
Do you get the sense it’s been like that since he was hired or did they just turn on him faster than the general population?
I have a couple friends on that board and let me tell you, they are the most negative people ever when it comes to anything NU fb. They refuse to admit there’s been any sort of progress of any form. They’re all about Nebraska sucks all around and everyone is transferring. Honestly, I can barely stand talking about NU fb with them. I’ve seen the gameday posts and all that and they’re real legit with some great info but...

TLDR: Fuck that board
Sounds like my kinda place, iwbh
Do you get the sense it’s been like that since he was hired or did they just turn on him faster than the general population?
I think there were a vocal few that weren't in favor of the hire for a variety of reasons. The past couple of seasons provides plenty of fodder for those who weren't in favor of the hire. Of course, there were a few who were really well connected with the old stuff and I'm sure there are some hard feelings from that. A lot of the negative vibes are just harder to ignore compared to RSS because the posters can write coherent sentences.

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