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My day

Dog busted and caught me once after I skipped bail. He sat me down, told me
How much he loved me and knew that I could change my life. It was a huge moment in my life that I credit to me
being where I am today. If he and Beth hadn’t run me down, I’m afraid I’d still be slinging rock and posting on RSS.

He’s a great man.

ok, none of that happened, but I used to watch the show and always wanted to be sat down by Dog and given the speech he gave everyone...and actually get eyes on Beth’s monster boobies.

Don’t judge me...
I just have to sign up for tags but I haven’t for a couple years. My duck hunting buddy moved and currently runs ASAA. Personally I wasn’t a huge fan of them. I thought they were dark and stringy. We ended up grinding them into breakfast sausage. Personally I prefer sandhill cranes.
Ahhh. Bummer. They look so delicious.

I kind of changed the subject asking about tags.
The draw was yesterday - I'm going on another Afognak Elk hunt!
It was actually super weird. New employee was telling me he used to do bounty work and I said “I think Dog is actually on one of our routes.” And he was telling me about how he saw him at the airport once. We got out at the top of the driveway and hopped in the back looking for the packages and hear “what do you have for me?” I turned around and said “no fucking way”

I hope your quick-witted self said something like "they don't tell us what's in them, but it feels a lot like a summons to court." That would have made our day.
Lots of rural folks used to keep geese as “alarm” dogs. They make one hell of a ruckus when people come up the drive lane and, as noted ITT, can be pretty territorial.

I guess the upside to that strategy is that if it doesn’t work out, you don’t have to wait for Christmas dinner to have a meal of goose. Nasty things to clean, though.
Lots of rural folks used to keep geese as “alarm” dogs. They make one hell of a ruckus when people come up the drive lane and, as noted ITT, can be pretty territorial.

I guess the upside to that strategy is that if it doesn’t work out, you don’t have to wait for Christmas dinner to have a meal of goose. Nasty things to clean, though.
Peacocks are another good one for this. I would imagine they taste worse though.

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