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My day

we had geese when i was a kid, they are bastards & bitches.

how was dog @HuskerGarrett
It was actually super weird. New employee was telling me he used to do bounty work and I said “I think Dog is actually on one of our routes.” And he was telling me about how he saw him at the airport once. We got out at the top of the driveway and hopped in the back looking for the packages and hear “what do you have for me?” I turned around and said “no fucking way”
It was actually super weird. New employee was telling me he used to do bounty work and I said “I think Dog is actually on one of our routes.” And he was telling me about how he saw him at the airport once. We got out at the top of the driveway and hopped in the back looking for the packages and hear “what do you have for me?” I turned around and said “no fucking way”
He lives in CO? Thought he lived in Hawaii or something.

At least pieces of airplanes weren’t landing a few miles from you
we had geese when i was a kid, they are bastards & bitches.

how was dog @HuskerGarrett
There were some geese that hung out at a golf course I used to play. Mean as shit and as big as a small child. If you hit your ball near one good luck retrieving it. They would not back down. I don't know if it's because they're territorial or they're just born pricks.
Of course he's living in Colorado


go with christ
Swans are worse. It's tough finding a dog that will consistently go out and fetch downed swans.
Swans are nasty. Bigger too. Friends of the family had a pond with a swan and geese. That fucker would chase me all over when I was a kid. I figured out if you just stand up to the geese and smack them around they end up running away.

Tried that with the swan and he kept coming. Bite you and smack you with its wings. Lot tougher to get them to back down and fuckers get a hold of a finger or something it can hurt.
Downed swans? Is there a hunting season for swans somewhere? Color me stupid, but I ain't never heard such a thing.
In my region, we can shoot 3 tundra swans a year or at least that's how many tags the state gives us. I'll try and find some pictures of some of the dead swans and post them tomorrow. It's kind of funny because they allegedly mate for life so we are out here creating broken families. Once we wounded a swan, because they are tough son of bitches, and its mate flew in a circle over making the most horrid sound. If we weren't gun-toting, blood-thirsty, hunters I'm sure we would have broken out in tears. It's probably the closest I'll ever get to shooting a unicorn
In my region, we can shoot 3 tundra swans a year or at least that's how many tags the state gives us. I'll try and find some pictures of some of the dead swans and post them tomorrow. It's kind of funny because they allegedly mate for life so we are out here creating broken families. Once we wounded a swan, because they are tough son of bitches, and its mate flew in a circle over making the most horrid sound. If we weren't gun-toting, blood-thirsty, hunters I'm sure we would have broken out in tears. It's probably the closest I'll ever get to shooting a unicorn
Interesting! Thanks. Here in South Central Nebraska, a swan = unicorn.
In my region, we can shoot 3 tundra swans a year or at least that's how many tags the state gives us. I'll try and find some pictures of some of the dead swans and post them tomorrow. It's kind of funny because they allegedly mate for life so we are out here creating broken families. Once we wounded a swan, because they are tough son of bitches, and its mate flew in a circle over making the most horrid sound. If we weren't gun-toting, blood-thirsty, hunters I'm sure we would have broken out in tears. It's probably the closest I'll ever get to shooting a unicorn
I've always wondered how they taste.
Any comparisons?

And... did you draw any tags?
I've always wondered how they taste.
Any comparisons?

And... did you draw any tags?
I just have to sign up for tags but I haven’t for a couple years. My duck hunting buddy moved and currently runs ASAA. Personally I wasn’t a huge fan of them. I thought they were dark and stringy. We ended up grinding them into breakfast sausage. Personally I prefer sandhill cranes.

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