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I'm only half-kidding: Someone needs to give @BigCL24 an intervention (1 Viewer)

BBTown Bomber

In Memoriam 1952-2023
That guy's mind ain't right, and he seems to have deteriorated over the past year. His response to Dean's actually substantive update buried pages in his stupid thread about Dickerson going to Oregon (Dean said his Westside source says no recent visit to Eugene, which is big) was essentially: "Oh, well, if that's the case, then nvm!"

Whenever people come at him for his bullshit, he tries this weird conciliatory move. I'm just very putt off by the whole thing and actually sort of worried for him.
I would tag him here but he can't see it since him and the entire country of India are in Detroit
Don't worry about it. I'm totally fine with unloading on the dude as a poster here--he's awful. If he just stuck to his stuff where he gets enthusiastic about movies or shit like that, it'd be fine. It's this manic depressive approach he has to the team combined with occasional spurts of "I'm a big-dick insider but am always wrong" that just pushes him right towards the top of shitty posters there.
Think I mentioned a month or two ago in another thread that he came at me guns a blazing’ (via DM) about how I was responsible for him getting a week’s vaca to Chile.

I had no idea wtf he was talking about so I DMd Matya to clear things up. He said that the one and only reason 24 was given a timeout was due to his continued political posts (after being warned to stop several times).

I went back to him to make sure he was clear what had happened and he simply was like: “Yeah, ok.....whatever”

I agree that some level of concern is probably warranted regarding his behavior. Not sure if it’s Covid-related but there sure seems to be a lot of new anxiety and mental health issues.



Wide Receiver
Elite Member
Don't worry about it. I'm totally fine with unloading on the dude as a poster here--he's awful. If he just stuck to his stuff where he gets enthusiastic about movies or shit like that, it'd be fine. It's this manic depressive approach he has to the team combined with occasional spurts of "I'm a big-dick insider but am always wrong" that just pushes him right towards the top of shitty posters there.
I feel like when I first saw him post which was early fall he seemed to have an inside source about something (forget what it was). Now it’s almost like he wants to come off as if he has more and can’t handle not being the inside guy.

When I was first lurking from another’s account in rss I had inside info on the development of the Betts and Watts stuff and it killed me not being able to post. Once I joined myself I was back to just being a lurker with nothin but I’ve accepted it 😂

however, if stuff goes on at Bell’ east and west I may be able to get info.


Graduate Assistant
Elite Member
this re tart with the Make Nebraska Football Great Again hat Avatar needs medical attention too:

View attachment 1682
This shit pisses me off. Dickerson has done absolutely nothing wrong. Has created zero drama. The only drama are these whackos on message boards who have ZERO idea what its like to be recruited as a 17 year old with grown adults feigning over them on social media.

This is how message boards hurt Nebraska. His recruitment has had no drama, none. But because these people have no patience and rely on fake sources like BigCL24, they get all worked up for no reason and then react at this kid on social media.


Wide Receiver
Yeah I feel for the guy but he's truly down the rabbit hole. I used to think he was just a normal-but-goofy poster who tried to pass off insider info inbetween his posts about the latest Netflix show he was watching, but once The Open Scrolls started and I saw his posts on that board I was totally shocked. Just completely convinced of all the most insane QAnon conspiracies about celebrities and Democrats all being involved in Satanic child molesting rituals and stuff. I actually tried responding with a sincere post to him at some point because he seems like a decent guy, but he's living proof that it's so easy for seemingly normal people to get caught up in that stuff. The internet is so stupid.


Elite Member
Your Mom's House
I feel like when I first saw him post which was early fall he seemed to have an inside source about something (forget what it was). Now it’s almost like he wants to come off as if he has more and can’t handle not being the inside guy.

When I was first lurking from another’s account in rss I had inside info on the development of the Betts and Watts stuff and it killed me not being able to post. Once I joined myself I was back to just being a lurker with nothin but I’ve accepted it 😂

however, if stuff goes on at Bell’ east and west I may be able to get info.
Anything on the Bell West Kids? Helms, Hall, and Riley?

Fargo Husker

Elite Member
Have a daughter going through some shit right now so sympathize a little more than I normally would. He really does seem to have something going on so I've been more conscious about my jokes in his direction.
IIRC, he’s flat out said in the past that he truly does have Bipolar Depression or something along those lines.

Ext. 55

Big Poppa
Elite Member
Yore Momma's house
I'm seeing people go slightly off the rails with those I've come in contact with over the last 9-12 months. This includes vendors, employees at my company, customers, and people we're looking to hire. There are many that don't do well with uncertainty. If someone has had it easy thus far in life, they don't know how to handle adversity. It is a bit weird, but I believe society will have some major mental issues going into this decade.

Some of it is just normal stresses of having to change basically everything in our life due to the pandemic, but I've noticed that some handle it better than others.
This is legit. Have had to put in some extra time with some that I work with...agreed.


Board Chairman - TPB, LLC
Elite Member
This is legit. Have had to put in some extra time with some that I work with...agreed.

It's sad actually. I've had some conversations with others about taking a deep breath, and to look at what you have vs. obsessing about changing habits due to the pandemic. In all reality, washing hands, wearing a mask and keeping your distance isn't all that difficult, but some people overthink those things and get angry about change.

Basically just reminding each other to not get too caught up in the negatives, and control what you can control. Being grateful for what you have on a consistent basis helps me keep my sanity probably more than anything....lol. I was pretty worried at one point about the lady that cuts my hair. I thought she was going to have a panic attack about a family gathering, and not knowing whether she should get the vaccine.

People also need to cut the shit with the extreme political views on both sides, and not believe everything they see on the internet. Think for yourself and trust your instincts.

Ext. 55

Big Poppa
Elite Member
Yore Momma's house
It's sad actually. I've had some conversations with others about taking a deep breath, and to look at what you have vs. obsessing about changing habits due to the pandemic. In all reality, washing hands, wearing a mask and keeping your distance isn't all that difficult, but some people overthink those things and get angry about change.

Basically just reminding each other to not get too caught up in the negatives, and control what you can control. Being grateful for what you have on a consistent basis helps me keep my sanity probably more than anything....lol. I was pretty worried at one point about the lady that cuts my hair. I thought she was going to have a panic attack about a family gathering, and not knowing whether she should get the vaccine.

People also need to cut the shit with the extreme political views on both sides, and not believe everything they see on the internet. Think for yourself and trust your instincts.
Pretty much all of this. It's startling the level of insanity I've seen. People buy in way to much on both sides. Have a friend who basically still won't leave the house with his family. I get being safe, but it's weird.

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