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I’m sorry there hasn’t been an announcement (2 Viewers)


Wide Receiver
Elite Member
I'll be honest.

When @HuskerGarrett invited me to this site a year ago, it warmed my heart.

It felt like for the first time in my life, I got invited to sit with the cool kids at lunch (even though there are some real dildoes over here). I am so happy to be considered cool now and not only a member, but be an elite member.


There's no hope. Fuck everything. GBR!


Running Back
Elite Member
No need for apologies. Its the middle of November, its fucking cold and dreary and there is not much to do unless you are a hunter which I am not.

These rumors have been a blast and so much more fun than reading the "no comment" drivel coming from the other sites.

Sorry Season 7 GIF by Curb Your Enthusiasm


Defensive Lineman
BFE Cockeye
I just wanted to say that I’m sorry there’s been no announcement about Rhule today. I feel shitty that I got everyone’s hopes up and it looks like it’s not happening today.

I know some people joined yesterday just because they heard we were speculating about the announcement. If you feel “duped” or mislead, let me know and I’ll give you a full refund.

It was never mine or any of our intention to purposefully mislead people or put out false info. I am 100% sure Matt Rhule and his wife were at the stadium last night. When we knew he and family were there, and then that schedules were cleared today, we assumed that meant the announcement was coming. I should not have assumed that and just told everyone what I knew. It won’t happen again.

I’m still convinced Rhule is the guy. You don’t bring your wife into town and take pictures late at night if you’re just touring. But again that’s my opinion.

I’m also thinking that if there was an announcement planned for today, it was pushed back due to the unfortunate news from the Virginia football team. This is just my own speculation though.

We aren’t like Rivals and Tater Island. If I hear something, I’m telling you guys about it. And sometimes that may make it look like we are just making shit up. I promise you that will never be the case.
So can we invoice the 2 days of work we all skipped? TIA

Also zero issue making the invoice out to "clean Garrett's pipe" so it's tax deductible.

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