Same with my wife. She won't be around me really when I am watching the games, and honestly I don't even say a word or get worked up anymore during Husker games. I literally had no reactions to anything that happened on Saturday against CU. Normally in years past I would, but what is the point of getting worked up after this many years of the BS shooting ourselves in the foot to losses.
I have to say that moving to Montana in 2001 coincides with the Husker program sinking like a rock. Not that where I live actually has anything to do with it, but the timelines coincide. And also, I have noticed that ANY time I am watching a Huskers game, and my wife is in the living room sitting next to me (usually she comes around in 4th qtrs - not purposefully, just because that is how it seems to work out), that our Huskers totally shit the bed. It is like clockwork - she sits next to me and bad shit happens on the field for us. Again, there is no reasonable/realistic way or reason that that her being in the same room has anything to do with it, but time and time again her being in the living room when I am watching means bad shit is going to happen and we are going to lose. Can't remember a time this wasn't the case, LOL.
Now if I told her she was a jinx, I'd really be in the doghouse lol. The ironic part is her adult daughter (who lives with us) has become a Cowboy's fan. Her daughter knows nothing about football, but is truly ridiculous in her screaming and antics when Dallas is playing. Yet my wife says nothing about her daughters ridiculousness, which is at least 10 times worse constantly than my worst ever reactions to things happening if the Huskers are playing. A double standard the width of the Pacific going on here. Women love to find reasons to put their man in the doghouse.