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Husker podcasts?

All of them? Are you sure?
Maybe maybe not that doesn’t really matter. It’s all the same with a different blowhard journalist. Nebraska media members have no charisma or energy. Kugler was the last one worth listening to. Benning and Ravi probably brings the most energy but they are incredibly arrogant and tough to listen to
Maybe maybe not that doesn’t really matter. It’s all the same with a different blowhard journalist. Nebraska media members have no charisma or energy. Kugler was the last one worth listening to. Benning and Ravi probably brings the most energy but they are incredibly arrogant and tough to listen to
You would be surprised. Some are just regular guys talking. Far from unlistenable.
I’ve listened to GO Big Redcast, Hail Varsity and Hurrdat. But I mostly listen to national guys. Only listen to Nebpods when I’ve run out of national stuff.

Go Big Redcast. This one is starting to fall out of my rotation entirely. The main guy talks too much and says nothing new. Could be called “beating a dead horse cast”… tune in next week where I say the same shit again! And when they bring on guests, the main guy does all the talking. What’s the point of a guest?

What I like about Hurrdat and Hail Varsity is they both break their pods into segments so you can pick and choose what to listen to. Since they are radio based there is a lot of junk air time spent on things like lead ins and extra adds. But both when on topics I want to hear their opinions on are good. What I means by that isn’t a stay in your lane kind of thing but that id rather listen to the ringer on NBA things, as an example.
I don’t recommend these, but Corn Crazed is ok. At least Connor gets straight to the point. I listen to all Husker podcasts on 1.5x playback speed. If you want to listen to a kid under a bunk bed in his dorm room (somehow with 4k subscribers), you can check out Wilson Ditman. Not making that up!

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