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As a rule I don’t let any coffee chain put sweetener in a drink for me, even iced coffee. I’ll ask for light milk light sugar in an iced coffee and it’ll practically look like a glass of milk when I get it. Disgusting.
The program continues to benefit from (1) being the only game in town and (2) the off season hype cycle. The demand somehow remains intact for an empty calories CFB program.
When I lived on the east coast I had a soft spot for Dunkin' because whenever I'd go to one it was always a franchise owned by some hard working immigrant family, where you had the parents and kids all working together in the store. As opposed to every time I walked into a Starbucks and had some shitty attitude American kid act like taking my order (Americano, black... not complicated) was the worst part of their day. Here in Nebraska though the people are generally the same at any location and Dunkin' somehow has the most expensive coffee, which makes no sense whatsoever.
I have an expensive coffee setup at home that I obviously prefer to use, but if I don't have time and need to grab coffee while I'm out then I'll usually just get it at a gas station. If I'm gonna get a substandard cup of coffee then I'd at least like to pay as little as possible for it.