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Hot Take: McCaffrey isn’t much of a loss

It hurts QB depth, sure. But in reality he was never going to be much more than a gadget player. A poor-man’s Taysom Hill. I just don’t get the obsession over whether he is leaving or not. It doesn’t look great, but not like Wandale leaving.
Agree to a point. That class was pretty tight though and him and Wandale seemed to be the glue. If they're both gone does that fuck with the chemistry?

Then again how good is the chemistry in the first place.
I think as a QB I really don't care. I expect Smothers to pass him. If he is hell bent on doing that then not a loss imo.

If he goes to say Colorado and becomes a slot WR. That is a loss because I think he has the raw goods to be an NFL WR.

Now I know Damon has said he is very popular on the team. That would be something to watch what that means if he leaves. Much like what @Jim14510 said
If he was deadset on staying at QB, then I'm glad he's gone. Smothers needs the #2 reps. Would have loved to have had him at a WR/RB/QB hybrid (he might have been our first legit DUCK-R, whatever the fuck that actually means), but if he's not down for that, then happy to see him move on (or at least not be there for spring ball participating).
Yup, even Callahan liked mike513's post laying it out, and he's been pretty clear elsewhere he's looking intently at Caff as a possible departure and it doesn't look good.

This one is over barring some unforeseen reversal of course.
Yeah. Other than any chemistry things, it's pretty much a nothing if the kid wants to play QB
If he was deadset on staying at QB, then I'm glad he's gone. Smothers needs the #2 reps. Would have loved to have had him at a WR/RB/QB hybrid (he might have been our first legit DUCK-R, whatever the fuck that actually means), but if he's not down for that, then happy to see him move on (or at least not be there for spring ball participating).
This is the correct take IMO
they should have kept using him the same way as they did in the Ohio St game, i think he would have been ok with the move!
Agreed he is not a loss at all. He’s not very good tbh

But if he decides to stay it is HUGE for us and he is great.

hurts if we lose him. One of the few athletes we had that could make plays on their own, which we need with as bad as our offense has been.
I think it’s a big loss. Great family, great athlete who’s well liked. Keep your good players happy, that’s the coaches job. He got two starts at QB and was 1-1. Martinez has had 25. I can see why he’s frustrated. Confident kids wanna prove it.

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