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Heady coming in hot...

I mean he’s just tweeting the most obvious takes, no original thought at all. And for him to consider anyone other than Wandale our “best players” he’s an idiot
After the spring, Luke was likely to be the 3rd best QB on the roster. Time will tell how big of a loss Luke is. If he goes somewhere else and plays another position besides QB, yes. This is a huge loss. If he doesn’t, then this one means literally nothing.

I hope you are right...We need Smothers MORE than ever....now.

I always want them to stay and play or FIGHT to play.

We only have so many DYNAMIC players, and I think Luke is/was one of the few.
Either at QB ... with some (a lot of) time, or as a Taysom Hill / Kordell kinda player.
I dont think he is a RB. He's too small and runs far too upright, he'll get killed.
He's got a shot at WR/Slot but that will take some work to transition to.
If thats what he ends up as, then you are 🎯 its a big loss.
Just gonna call it as it is, Chris Heady looks like the new leader of the Kansas ANTIFA branch.

he looks like the kind of guy who eats avocado toast and smells his own farts and drinks IPAs
Right or wrong Idc , heady is a huge douche & idk why he’s still concerned with Husker football. He was fired! Leave Nebraska alone

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