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Has anyone ever got a steroid injection in their back?

Everyone who has had back surgery or back work I’ve talked to has been worse off after
I had an 80 year old client that couldn't walk because of the pain. She had some chips of bone that were loose and irritating the nerves and what not. They injected her with a gel and came in 3 days walking perfectly fine. Said the pain was completely gone.

Had a friend that had back surgery about a year ago. Took a while but feels 100% better now.

Half a dozen stories of people that had surgery and worse off though. Don't think I know anyone that was worse off after shots. Not better maybe but not worse.
I'm not a guru, but I've made connections with some people who know stuff.

General philosophy boils down to, if you have chronic back pain, it only really gets better by strengthening the muscles in the area.

Try some dead hangs (hang on a bar with everything relaxed except for your hands) for as long as you can.

Do some back extensions (in good form, don't press range of motion to where it hurts).

Other core/back exercises can be good to, but those are a couple of the most targeted.

Do a couple sets 2-3 times a week (don't overdo it, the recovery is what fixes things), and you should see some results.

I didn't have any major back issues, but had some occasional stuff, and this kind of work helps.
I appreciate the information. I’ll gladly try whatever I can to not deal with it. Honestly a couple times a week it’s nothing for me to be up in the middle of the night stretching just to get enough relief to fall back asleep.

On a side note…a few years ago due to something medically related I was seeing a physical therapist and at one point she suggested massaging my pelvic floor. There was only one way to get there and she made a joke saying “I’ll do it with dignity”. I politely declined.
Looking back I should have said yes. She was probably in her high 40s low 50s and smoking hot! Never had anything in my ass but am thinking there could be worse things than her fingers. Hind sight….😒

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