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Frost's Mental State

He’s an embarrassment. Has to be some 18 year old kid doesn’t it?
Yeah something like that. Lives on campus I think. Has a friend or his room mate on the team he says and his brothers all went to school in Lincoln or something. His twitter takes are atrocious.
This goes against all logic but I honestly hope the dude takes his wife and kid to a a private island resort the day after our last game and just chills there for a month to decompress and enjoy life and think about other things. Maybe hire some kind of outside analyst like @dsbigred1 said to comb through every inch of the status quo while he's gone and have a detailed report on his desk for when he returns. Come back in February with a refreshed perspective and ready to do this shit right.

Hope he gets a nice long vacation , he needs it & might help refresh some things for him. I feel for him cuz I know he cares more about this program than anyone on this message board or the other one or prob anybody else in the state for that matter
I love how wrong he's been about everything only to keep yapping his fucking mouth, total idiot.
What little respect I had for him was gone after last week. I'm not saying we're world beaters on defense or anything but certainly improved and it's certainly carried this team in 2020. He went on to bitch and moan about how this defense is trash and Chins has done nothing right this year and how the staff on that side of the ball should be canned immediately due to no answers for offenses this year. I sat there reading it and wasn't sure how a person could be that publicly dumb and continue to say things. All respect was lost

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