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Frost and the black players on the team

I have heard that there is a pretty big rift between the players & coaches when it comes to injury management. Was told to look at how our players all have lingering injuries that never seem to heal. Martinez, Boobie, etc.
I can see that starting to boil dating back to summer BLM movement and the race inspired scrimmage brawl.

If I had one guess Alante Brown. His body language suggests he won't be here next year.
I wouldn't blame him. He seems better than some others getting PT. As for what's keeping him off the field I doubt it has anything to do with race but if you're black and not playing and white kids are..... would be easy to jump to that as a reason.
That’s all I heard. Black players mainly WR think he’s being preferential to the white players.
Must be the non-playing players way of making noise to be heard. Black Wandale is playing bc he’s good. Did black Manning do himself service by being a head case? Did black Betts learn the playbook? (Good kid and crazy talented but if you knew what I know about him then you’ll know his motor is wired differently). Did black Flemming show up for class and practice as required? Seriously the race thing is a joke. I don’t care if you’re orange just do your damn job! Fuck, if our receivers were Orange maybe the QBs could find them.
Must be the non-playing players way of making noise to be heard. Black Wandale is playing bc he’s good. Did black Manning do himself service by being a head case? Did black Betts learn the playbook? (Good kid and crazy talented but if you knew what I know about him then you’ll know his motor is wired differently). Did black Flemming show up for class and practice as required? Seriously the race thing is a joke. I don’t care if you’re orange just do your damn job! Fuck, if our receivers were Orange maybe the QBs could find them.
thank you for putting black in front of their names. I couldnt tell what race they were during the games
This is the dumbest shit of all time and pretty pathetic if true.

Alante Brown and Peanut Houston both tweeted out over the weekend "know your worth"

I'm just assuming at this point they'll both be gone in a few weeks.
Well I hope Houston and Nance leave. They obviously suck. We need to process some people so that we can bring in more transfers.
Well I hope Houston and Nance leave. They obviously suck. We need to process some people so that we can bring in more transfers.
I believe you're still limited by the amount of people new to the program each year. The 25 rule or whatever it is. So if you have 23 incoming freshman then you only have 2 spots for transfers. Of course there's other rules like counting back if you didn't fill tue prior years class and grey shirt and blue shirt and all that. Bottom line there's more than enough transfers already I don't think any more does anything for us. Our total count should have more than enough room.
Yeah there’s nothing to this, a player may think that they aren’t playing because of race , but maybe it’s because your work ethic is shit or you don’t run the right routes cuz you don’t study enough or you olé blocks because you’re too good for that.... , put in the work!! it doesn’t matter what color you are if you’re the best at what you do & do what you’re supposed to you’re going to play as evidenced by other players of different races seeing the field at other positions. & if you don’t want to do those things get your entitled ass out of the program because you’re dragging us down with that attitude .
Yeah there’s nothing to this, a player may think that they aren’t playing because of race , but maybe it’s because your work ethic is shit or you don’t run the right routes cuz you don’t study enough or you olé blocks because you’re too good for that.... , put in the work!! it doesn’t matter what color you are if you’re the best at what you do & do what you’re supposed to you’re going to play as evidenced by other players of different races seeing the field at other positions. & if you don’t want to do those things get your entitled ass out of the program because you’re dragging us down with that attitude .
Right. Wan'Dale seems to get plenty of snaps. He looks black to me.

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