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For the Nebrasketball Junkies. Video of Hoiberg's Zoom call going over the team. Very informative

Got dammed i love this guy and can't wait for basketball season. How did we get so lucky to get him as a Head Coach. Great 45 minute break down of the team. GBF!!

Thanks for posting this. Hoiberg is squared away, period. We are in very good hands. Almost sounds like we are going to become a basketball school here soon.
I fuckin' love Fred! He is elite. Sometimes I still have to slap myself over the fact that he is the HC of Nebrasketball. This isn't going to be a Tim MIles one-every-5-years we are a Big Dance Bubble team...we are going to be solid for the foreseeable future. And you better believe the other coaches in the BIG know it.

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