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DL Recruiting

I really, really try not to be a condescending prick on the Scrolls. I know I write like a pedantic douche, so it's all I can do to make myself not entirely despised (and rightfully so). That being said, what a fucking taterfest that thread is. Here are two things that are either entirely objective fact or borne out by so much repeated experience that they approach it:

1) There are no DL commits in this class. Savea looks like he might be a silent, but one would be foolish to trust that too much when he's a Polynesian player (our dismal record there need not be rehashed) from the Western United States that hasn't visited here yet and won't announce for another few months. Lots can happen there, and not much of it good for us.

2) Buckley has visited Nebraska before and declared us a favorite at various points. That's very different from several other recruits with whom we're struggling due to no visits. He's been on commit watch for us now multiple times and each time he delays. That's never a good sign. Him having a commitment date like this and then delaying indefinitely means to me that he was sort of set on settling for us but someone either got in his ear or he just decided to pull back on his own. Again, not good.
Just gotta get that Poly pipeline going as we’ve been saying for 20 years
This is our year for Poly and STL recruiting.


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