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Dean breaking news!

Dean coaches? Is he breaking down how to build a hudl highlight account? I mean seriously WTF. Dean is great with the blue hairs who go to his luncheons and he runs a powerpoint they are amazed by but not sure what he can offer the youth.
These boys are asking themselves "who tf is this guy and why is he talking at us?".

Most looking down at their hands in frustration that this is the best their school could do to lift them up
I decline to say. It’s behind me now. I know damn well most here would recognize me from there. I’m sure I've jousted a time or 2 with you before. The Riley lovers were permitted to attack me but I wasn’t allowed to reciprocate. I had enough of their shit and I went full bore postal on the message board before the permaban. I knew it was my last hurrah so I went out guns a blazing.
It's sounds like it's very much behind you

I don’t know which one I hate more. They are near equal to me. Their disrespect for Tom Osborne hacked me off greatly.
I was still somewhat young during Callahan and honestly feel like I mentally blocked a lot of it. But from what I've been told about how Callahan ran things, fuck that guy. Riley on the other hand, made this program a giant flappy pussy. Nice guys finish last. Thanks for your service Mike, glad you're long gone.
I decline to say. It’s behind me now. I know damn well most here would recognize me from there. I’m sure I've jousted a time or 2 with you before. The Riley lovers were permitted to attack me but I wasn’t allowed to reciprocate. I had enough of their shit and I went full bore postal on the message board before the permaban. I knew it was my last hurrah so I went out guns a blazing.
So boiler. Got it
I decline to say. It’s behind me now. I know damn well most here would recognize me from there. I’m sure I've jousted a time or 2 with you before. The Riley lovers were permitted to attack me but I wasn’t allowed to reciprocate. I had enough of their shit and I went full bore postal on the message board before the permaban. I knew it was my last hurrah so I went out guns a blazing.

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