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Car racing

I had to look up the layers of the atmosphere, but not because stoned (not), and not because drinking (am). I don't know those things of the top of my head, but I assume millerflip is somewhere inside the earth's mantle keeping it all together.
I just watched a David Attenborough hosted show on Netflix.
@millerflip may be our last hope.
I have a classic Land Rover but I doubt it'd make it around the track once without breaking down. Seriously.
How fast you go
And this thread is about car racing. @HuskerGarrett, good luck at your first track event.

@millerflip, please grace us with your wisdom.

Thank you @hothouse_corn I appreciate your invite into this thread. @HuskerGarrett If you send me the coordinates to the race track event site I will do my best to get to that exact location, however, realistically I've adapted the 500 mile radius as a buffer zone for which I then call the trip an overwhelming success. The men's varsity football team at the University of Nebraska is the best at getting all of the best players, at every position that reside inside the 500 miles radius of Nebraska to ultimately join the squad. My approach is just getting inside that radius.

Tartarian race car.jpg
Thank you @hothouse_corn I appreciate your invite into this thread. @HuskerGarrett If you send me the coordinates to the race track event site I will do my best to get to that exact location, however, realistically I've adapted the 500 mile radius as a buffer zone for which I then call the trip an overwhelming success. The men's varsity football team at the University of Nebraska is the best at getting all of the best players, at every position that reside inside the 500 miles radius of Nebraska to ultimately join the squad. My approach is just getting inside that radius.

View attachment 356

Thanks for chiming in, and for offering to help with the car racing. I assume you've been mainly reading posts on the "hyvee parking lot" board for the the past few weeks while looking for your actual car in a grocery store parking lot. Based on the picture, I'm glad you found it.

The good news is that all the way out to beyond the exosphere is in the 500 mile radius, and a lot of the mantle is, too. We're still in the same ballpark.

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