Themillerflip definitely got some laughs out of me as he tried to find the game in the away city every week. RIP and GBR brother
The below info/post was from @Sidney Husker on Inside Nebraska...think I hijacked the car thread, but hopefully worth it.
Just like 'BOMBER', The Miller Flip was a LEGEND here on the board. I posted the following on my Facebook page, in honor of the honorable Miller Flip.
A man by the name of BILL MILLER passed away. Apparently, he was an early skateboarding multi-state organizer and skateboarding DEMON, himself!
But, he was known to all of us on the premium Nebraska Cornhusker's football recruiting 'Insider' site, "" -- as, "The Miller Flip".
Until I read the attached article, the only thing I knew about the man was his trademark, deadpan Husker fan Posts, which were quite distinct. He would jump into any 'thread' topic. Talking about recruiting in general, he'd pipe up with his TYPICALLY over-simplified statements, such as: "If I was the head coach at the University of Nebraska, I'd recruit the best athletes at every position." -- Then, he'd leave it out there to simmer as other Husker fans would add their thoughts to the thread.
I wish I had a few of his 'typical' posts to share, as my description above lacks the repetitive, simplistic 'vibe' of total assuredness in his 'position' or 'thought'. Never particularly thought-provoking, his Posts never failed to leave a smile on the reader's face. (Speaking for myself, my 'handle' is Sidney Husker. I've been a member of this premium site for over twenty (20) years.
--> Wow. Not even that old. So sad to see. RIP MillerFlip.
--> This sucks. He was one of a kind. Just an awesome poster.
--> I am going to miss him. Way too young.
--> Thanks for posting OP...damn this sucks, funny dude and a good guy as well who was (unbeknownst to me) a legend in the world/sport. RIP man.
--> Damn. Is this actually the same guy who posted here? Loved that dude. RIP.
--> Very sad. His sarcastic optimism will be missed
--> Dang that's sad. His schtick always cracked me up and was never at the expense of others. RIP.
--> Way too young. Rest in Peace - you will be missed MillerFlip.
--> Does anyone know where in Nebraska he was from? Very Sad, RIP @themillerflip
--> He was from Lincoln, and graduated from Pius X in 1985. I believe he was last living in the Milwaukee area.
--> Dang! That is so sad. RIP brother
--> Do freight trains travel to heaven? I'd like to think so.
RIP Millierflip.
SALUTE, to the Miller-Flip! May God bless you and keep you in His grace and love.