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Baseball fan attendance


Offensive Lineman
Elite Member
Listening to Huskers Sports Nightly. Greg Sharpe announced that Purdue got the go ahead from the Big Ten office to have 50% attendance for their series this weekend. Advised Nebraska is still waiting for their go ahead for this weekend to have fans. No reason given why Nebraska hasn't got the go ahead other than it's the Big Ten.

Updated with article now: https://journalstar.com/sports/husk...cle_2110b50a-69bb-5b4b-8658-1d23353d2530.html

NEW NEW update: fans now expected for this weekends game
Its Happening Ron Paul GIF
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Listening to Huskers Sports Nightly. Greg Sharpe announced that Purdue got the go ahead from the Big Ten office to have 50% attendance for their series this weekend. Advised Nebraska is still waiting for their go ahead for this weekend to have fans. No reason given why Nebraska hasn't got the go ahead other than it's the Big Ten.
i'm sure the big 10 has a really good reason for not giving Nebraska the go ahead yet
Every April 16th Jim's office has to fucking burn his chair for the 110 hours a week of skid marked swamp ass during tax season

I wonder how the 2020 and 2021 extended deadlines have changed this routine. New chair in April, new chair the day after the deadline, or both.

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