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We had a crummy one growing up, and naturally my sister and I got stuck with all of the maintenance on it. The only time it was interesting was when one of the fish had babies and we had to put them in the protective 'grate' to keep the other fish from eating them.

My mostest bestest memory of an aquarium comes from my late high school years. A couple of guys that were one year ahead of me in high school had an apartment off of 99th and Q (Applewood) and Frank M. had two aquariums; one giant one (200 gallon, maybe) and a smaller one (50 gallon) that sat below it. The large upper tank contained one fish; a piranha. The lower tank was full of goldfish.

Friday nights were showtime. Frank had one of those giant 6' "light organs" that danced with whatever music it was listening to. We'd get our buzz on (usually a little Thai stick action), the add some tunes. The song that REALLY got the light organ bouncing was called "Southern Band" by Henry Gross.

We'd wait until the song was about 2/3rds of the way through, then Frank would toss a goldfish in the big tank. That poor goldfish was literally zipping from one end of the big tank to the other, banking off the glass, trying to get away from the piranha. The piranha would let it take a few laps and then ... ZAP ... in a flash it struck and we'd all watch a tail fin float to the bottom of the tank. Epic.
I assume @Jim14510 started the thread with tongue firmly in cheek, but I'm surprised how much aquarium knowledge and interest there is here. My uncle is a huge nerd, and has the most amazing aquarium.
Me as well. Everything got serious (and nerdy) in a hurry. 😆
I could get super nerdy. Know way more than a normal human should know about aquariums/tropical fish.

I chose to be an accountant. Being a nerd pretty much goes without saying. I am however the coolest accountant to ever walk the earth.

It seems hard to decide whether you choose to be an accountant nerd, or it chooses you. Being the coolest accountant nerd on the earth, on the other hand, means it was your destiny.
No but I have lots of guns. Does that count?

I'd rather TPB remain a football, cooking, or aquarium board rather than a lot of guns board. I have a lot of guns, too. But if the India invasion on the HyVee board about "something Sankars" was a possibility before @HuskerGarrett banned a whole subcontinent, I think it could be possible for QAnon to invade TBP if it went that way. Garrett can't ban America and make this thing still work.

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