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I had one before I moved. Thinking about getting another one. Had 100's of Red Cherry Shrimp. They were fun to watch and very active. Also some African Dwarf Frogs, Tetra's and Corey Catfish. Had a nice balance in the tank. I really miss working on the tank and watching them.
I had one before I moved. Thinking about getting another one. Had 100's of Red Cherry Shrimp. They were fun to watch and very active. Also some African Dwarf Frogs, Tetra's and Corey Catfish. Had a nice balance in the tank. I really miss working on the tank and watching them.
I have African Cichlids and Australian Rainbows. A handful of tiger barbs in there too. Mainly got them to cycle the tank.
I have African Cichlids and Australian Rainbows. A handful of tiger barbs in there too. Mainly got them to cycle the tank.
those are fun. I am more into the community tanks. At one point had over 700 red cherry shrimp in my big tank and was gonna start selling them. Had to leave town for a family thing that ended up being almost a month. When I came back the tank was struggling. My buddy tried taking care of it but just not his strength. Was down to like 50 shrimp. I was getting $1.50/shrimp selling them. Was actually gonna look at possibly doing it as a side business. Can make some good coin and once you get the tank established they reproduce like mad
those are fun. I am more into the community tanks. At one point had over 700 red cherry shrimp in my big tank and was gonna start selling them. Had to leave town for a family thing that ended up being almost a month. When I came back the tank was struggling. My buddy tried taking care of it but just not his strength. Was down to like 50 shrimp. I was getting $1.50/shrimp selling them. Was actually gonna look at possibly doing it as a side business. Can make some good coin and once you get the tank established they reproduce like mad
Mine are mostly smaller Lake Tanganyikans. I only have males. If they aren't breeding they don't bother the other fish. They'd eat the shit out of those shrimp though. At one point I had a bunch of tanks and sold the babies. I ended up spending as much as I made though which was OK.
Have a 90 gallon saltwater reef tank at the office. Pay a service to care for it. Like you need a biology degree to maintain the thing.

Salt itself isn't much more difficult but reefs take it to a whole other level. So much more to balance. A lot more expensive too when you add the extra light and equipment. They can be cool as shit though. You should snap a picture tomorrow.

My setup is a 120. Assuming yours is a standard 90 basically the same dimensions as yours but a little deeper and a little taller.
I assume @Jim14510 started the thread with tongue firmly in cheek, but I'm surprised how much aquarium knowledge and interest there is here. My uncle is a huge nerd, and has the most amazing aquarium.
Salt itself isn't much more difficult but reefs take it to a whole other level. So much more to balance. A lot more expensive too when you add the extra light and equipment. They can be cool as shit though. You should snap a picture tomorrow.

My setup is a 120. Assuming yours is a standard 90 basically the same dimensions as yours but a little deeper and a little taller.

The one at the office is called a 90 gallon “show“ tank. Narrower but taller.

I assume @Jim14510 started the thread with tongue firmly in cheek, but I'm surprised how much aquarium knowledge and interest there is here. My uncle is a huge nerd, and has the most amazing aquarium.

Me as well. Everything got serious (and nerdy) in a hurry. 😆

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