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Administered vaccine

I drive by that place 1x/week and the past few mondays I’ve driven by it looks busy. That is awesome that a lot of people are getting it and it really seems like a well run machine. I’ve spoken to people who have volunteered/vaccinated and I see the trailers that I’m sure are rest spots for volunteers. Thanks for doing that Scottie. AZ seems to have it together. Been going 24/7 for 2 1/2 weeks now
There have been some issues. The website is a bit clunky. But to the state’s credit, they continue to make improvements.

All in all, I think Arizona has done a very good job. People tend to complain about everything these days. My wife and I were grateful to get the vaccine as quickly as we did and volunteered to help others get the same.
One of the athletic trainers at Arkansas has covid. Got it after being vaccinated
He probably already had it at time of immunization. The immunization cannot cause you to get it.
Bull I have patients all the time that get influenza from the flu shot. Side note, my clinic/ER/hospital hasn’t had a single influenza case yet this year.
Bull I have patients all the time that get influenza from the flu shot. Side note, my clinic/ER/hospital hasn’t had a single influenza case yet this year.
I think it’s that the covid vaccine has no covid virus whatsoever in it? Just doesn’t seem plausible to get the covid virus from a vaccine with no actual virus in it. I could be wrong though also. Just my input
I think it’s that the covid vaccine has no covid virus whatsoever in it? Just doesn’t seem plausible to get the covid virus from a vaccine with no actual virus in it. I could be wrong though also. Just my input
I was just being sarcastic. Just think it’s funny when patients say their immunization gave them the illness.
Technically the vaccine has a protein that is also attached to the virus and the vaccine teaches our bodies how to fight off that particular protein right? I may be totally off on that.

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