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Sous Chef

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  • I'll be hanging out a over here now. Stay in touch bro. Us old OGs are few and far between. Would like to get your insight on things.
    Sous Chef
    Sous Chef
    Of course. For instance my true feelings about what happened with Mickey is in the long run a huge blessing for the program. No matter what it would have been a source of division if he stayed or wasn't retained. Now no TC die hard can say a fucking word about him either way.
    How's your health been? I remember last time I talked to you. You said you were having a few issues.
    Sous Chef
    Sous Chef
    yeah still have them. got out of cooking because of them. actually have a desk job now.
    Sup buddy? How you been? Long time no talk. You hanging out here now?
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    Sous Chef
    Sous Chef
    Yep I've been here for about a year and a half permanently. Dean pissed me off right as my sub ran out and I just said "fuck it" and didn't renew. Until recently this place has been a haven from all the douche nozzles and spuds. Its still great here but with this place growing I'm starting to see more and more of the assholes I didn't miss come over here. Obviously I am glad to see you posting here.
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