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What the B1G is Saying? (2 Viewers)

Black Dean

Dean but also Black
Sorry for the lack of material this month, it’s slow season.

Michigan State

  • Which do prefer the current B1G, or the Big TEN of old?
  • I wish we had the old Big Ten, before PSU and Nebraska came in. I understand how some may like the new teams and better games.
  • I, however, miss our little, truly Midwest conference.
  • I’m good with those two. It started getting silly with Maryland and Rutgers though
  • Pre Maryland/Rutgers was the best.
  • I was fine at 12 with Nebraska. They're at least a midwestern school. Maryland and Rutgers (omgmarketchasingomg) was stupid.
  • The 11 teams was fine. Adding Nebraska was borderline, but with their prestige I thought it was cool. Rutgers and Maryland was pretty bad and it’s even worse with the west coast.
  • Old. But Penn State and Nebraska were ok. You can blame if this on the eastern independents who rehected PSUs idea of an Eastern conference in the late 70s/early 80s. Think how different things would be if BC, Syracuse, Penn St. Army. Navy, Temple. Rutgers, West Va, Miami, Pitt would all agreed.
  • I prefer being a Midwestern conference. Penn State and Nebraska aren't Midwestern or aren't rust belt Midwestern, they don't belong. The coastal schools belong even less.
  • All conferences should go back to their structure from 15 years ago for every sport other than Football. MSU Men's Soccer is going to UCLA this fall for a conference game, and Women's Volleyball will be traveling to USC and also UCLA. This doesn't really make much sense.
  • Hot or Not: Caitlin Clark
  • Luka Garza says no.
  • Bangable for sure, especially after she showers
  • Old Girlfriend got fat thread
  • So, years ago I dated a really cute girl for about 6 years. In that time she put on about 75 pounds. If that's what is before marriage what would it be like after kids? That is my only physical requirement--don't go fat. I hung in there, but then she got jealous about everything. Also one time she got pissed at me for not telling her she was pretty. We were going out and she wore a moo-moo. She looked like bowling ball in lipstick. So I tell her she's pretty. "You don't believe that, you're just saying it." I finally broke it off, and it was like quiting smoking. It took 3-4 tries before it stuck. I got the blame like I knew I would. "Loose dumped her because she put on a few pounds."She was possessive and jealous, Would you have cut the ties at 20..30..40..50 pounds?


  • What 5 schools would USC football kick out of the Big Ten, if given the option? (#3. Minnesota)
  • Just planting the seeds for when USC becomes the B1G doormat Nebraska became
  • Teams 6-7 are probably UCLA then Nebraska
  • Add Nebraska and PSU to my list. Imagine if the Big Ten was actually the Big Ten again.
  • Yes, I believe this same exact article was written when Nebraska joined
  • Goodness Gracious. The annual off-season love for Nebraska and doubt in P.J. Fleck continues to impress.
  • Many of these writers are old enough to remember the Huskers’ salad days and haven’t come to gripes with the fact it’s much more likely for them to remain in their current bucket than to be relevant again!
  • Nebraska is starting a True Freshman QB, right?
  • Tough to fault the pundits for giving Nebraska the benefit of the doubt after the Scott Frost era showed us how resilient of a dynasty powerhouse Nebraska is.
  • Pick Neb to win 8 every year and some year you’ll be right, because even a broken clock is right twice a day.
  • Raiola a prime candidate to transfer mid-season to a good team
  • Nebraska is interesting because it looks like they loaded up, said me year after year.
  • Maybe, maybe, maybe. To be fair I’m saying the same about the Gophers. But predicting 8 wins out of Nebraska is maybe optimistic.
  • While I think it's silly to say that a prediction of 7.5 wins is too low for Nebraska, I don't expect Nebraska to be bad forever. They just care too much about the sport for that.
  • I’m looking forward to one more chance for our D to embarrass Benhart. Never has a dad crawled back into his hole quicker.

Ohio State

  • Ohio State/Big Ten Baseball
  • Ohio State baseball used to be actually a solid program but has become such a late term abortion type bad that I haven’t watched a full game of theirs since I think 2019
  • Here I am today watching Nebraska who won the Big Ten tournament play a middle of the pack SEC team in Florida and LOSE. How can anyone support this?
  • Big Ten completely eliminated after today. None of the teams even made the final game of their regional. There are no words to describe such an atrocity of a baseball conference.
  • Bashing the BIG is like bashing the southern teams for not having lacrosse or hockey success.
  • It’s weather and conference affiliation. Still, Ohio State should be better than it has been.


Its crazy how much Minnesota fans hate Benhart's dad.

And its not surprising if you've ever been around the man. He's obnoxious and embarrassing in any public setting. Ive often refrained from calling Benhart out after meeting his father.

You can tell that Bryce had a tough childhood dealing with a father who acts like Dennis Hopper from Hoosiers.

Ghost of Devaney

Elite Member
Its crazy how much Minnesota fans hate Benhart's dad.

And its not surprising if you've ever been around the man. He's obnoxious and embarrassing in any public setting. Ive often refrained from calling Benhart out after meeting his father.

You can tell that Bryce had a tough childhood dealing with a father who acts like Dennis Hopper from Hoosiers.
Interesting. Funny that Minnesota fans knew but I for one had never heard anything. Wonder what they saw. 😂


Interesting. Funny that Minnesota fans knew but I for one had never heard anything. Wonder what they saw. 😂

He allegedly talked a bunch of shit on their message boards after Bryce committed to Nebraska. And if you want some visibility, just go hang out in the tailgate lot prior to the team's pregame walk into the stadium for a couple hours before a game.

You will realize pretty quick which dude is Benhart's dad, and you will find yourself making this face:

Steve Harvey Cringe GIF by ABC Network


2x All-state FG/PAT holder
Elite Member
  • Hot or Not: Caitlin Clark
  • Luka Garza says no.
  • Bangable for sure, especially after she showers
Nothing to do with her hotness or notness, but I have done a 180 on Clark.
In college, I hated her. The flop she took post game at Nebraska. Her general act. And the main part, of course, she played for Cockeye. I was a full-fledged member of the Anti-Clark movement.

But now that she's left Cockeye and seeing how she's been treated in the WNBA and the high road she's taken... I'm kind of on her side. Not making the Olympic team was BS. People arguing that she's not the Rookie of the Year. Ridiculous. And she is fun to watch when not wearing an Cockeye jersey.


Sarcastic Ass
Elite Member
Bounty Hunter
Nothing to do with her hotness or notness, but I have done a 180 on Clark.
In college, I hated her. The flop she took post game at Nebraska. Her general act. And the main part, of course, she played for Cockeye. I was a full-fledged member of the Anti-Clark movement.

But now that she's left Cockeye and seeing how she's been treated in the WNBA and the high road she's taken... I'm kind of on her side. Not making the Olympic team was BS. People arguing that she's not the Rookie of the Year. Ridiculous. And she is fun to watch when not wearing an Cockeye jersey.
I follow the guidelines of the data retention policy that I learned from TD Ameritrade: it should take 7 years officially before you dump the knowledge.

So in 6.5 years, I can forget Clark played for Cockeye and root for her.


Board Chairman - TPB, LLC
Elite Member


Running Back
I find it hilarious that other fan bases think Neb fans love the B1G and should suck their dix for letting us join, when the reality is that most of us would rather be in the old Big 8. Other than money and stability the B1G sucks bad and I hate it.
This. We had much more in common and natural rivalries with the Big8 teams than the B1G. Before joining the B1G, I hated the conference as an outsider and thought it was the most boring brand of football and culture in the country. After joining I feel much more so.


Elite Member
I follow the guidelines of the data retention policy that I learned from TD Ameritrade: it should take 7 years officially before you dump the knowledge.

So in 6.5 years, I can forget Clark played for Cockeye and root for her.
Season 1 Spock GIF by Paramount+


Board Chairman - TPB, LLC
Elite Member
I find it hilarious that other fan bases think Neb fans love the B1G and should suck their dix for letting us join, when the reality is that most of us would rather be in the old Big 8. Other than money and stability the B1G sucks bad and I hate it.
Over the July 4th Holiday my wife's cousin (KU grad) and generally great guy said the following...paraphrasing. "I really cannot watch B1G football...I just don't like it"

My initial thought was that was sort of a dick thing to say knowing I'm Husker guy. Then I realized he was making up for the fact that they're in a G5/P5 conference and also aggravated that his brother-in-law is an OU alum - and they're now in the SEC.

Then I got defensive and said calmly - Rhule will change that, have you seen the QB recruiting and receivers he's developing? Then I basically agreed that yes, it can be boring football. It hit me suddenly that I hadn't seen him for 2 years and that KU was never a CFB talking point, so earlier in the day he'd mentioned how good they'd be, and in hindsight I recall being aloof about that comment. All I told him is that if there's one thing KU can do to make the whole country happy, it's beat CU into a pulp.

Ultimately I think that was his way to get a jab in which I was OK with because he's right - B1G football is boring. Of course, in my mind I didn't even think to remind him that Michigan allegedly won the title, so I guess boring can work. Did I mention that the elitist attitude of the B1G is annoying AF with all their scandals?


Wide Receiver
Nothing to do with her hotness or notness, but I have done a 180 on Clark.
In college, I hated her. The flop she took post game at Nebraska. Her general act. And the main part, of course, she played for Cockeye. I was a full-fledged member of the Anti-Clark movement.

But now that she's left Cockeye and seeing how she's been treated in the WNBA and the high road she's taken... I'm kind of on her side. Not making the Olympic team was BS. People arguing that she's not the Rookie of the Year. Ridiculous. And she is fun to watch when not wearing an Cockeye jersey.

I can forgive George Kittle for being an Cockeye now too.
He's the best part of RECEIVER on Netflix.


Running Back
Nothing to do with her hotness or notness, but I have done a 180 on Clark.
In college, I hated her. The flop she took post game at Nebraska. Her general act. And the main part, of course, she played for Cockeye. I was a full-fledged member of the Anti-Clark movement.

But now that she's left Cockeye and seeing how she's been treated in the WNBA and the high road she's taken... I'm kind of on her side. Not making the Olympic team was BS. People arguing that she's not the Rookie of the Year. Ridiculous. And she is fun to watch when not wearing an Cockeye jersey.
I don't mind here competitive nature, just like it does not bother me with Angel Reese. I think dudes are just taken aback by them because they are females acting out like that. It may take some getting used to. It made for an interesting women's tournament.

I enjoyed rooting against her when she was at Cockeye as we all did. No shame in that.

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