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Wednesday Walk-Thru 9.16.20 (1 Viewer)

Black Dean

Dean but also Black
B1G communication and leaders continue to show why they are the best in the business with still no announcement or scheduled time for an announcement. Clown show continues.


Speculation is that the B1G announces an October 17th start date, giving the B1G just enough time to get enough games in to qualify for the college football playoffs.

If a start date is ever announced today, as it was expected last night, this is far from over and a season actually happen. We all must remember how the B1G announced an updated schedule, and only 6-days later they announce the season is over.


The B1G is still holding out hope that the ACC continues to struggle and enough schools are shutdown that the league folds. That’s where a once powerful league has now become, wishing that a virus shuts down other college football conferences because they made a huge misjudgment in being the first to shut things down.

There is a difference in being a leader who walks the walk and talks the talk and knows what there is doing and then we have leaders who leave there own employees confused and scrambling for answers, protesting and even suing them because that leader, puppet or not, can’t get a clear message across. The B1G is going to look extremely weak come the next television talks and would not be surprised this causes them to take a hit and the SEC jumps them in that regard.

Especially with cord cuttings getting more extreme, so the populations in DC and New York, which made Rutgers and Maryland so valuable, doesn’t do as much when people are now picking what they do and don’t want as far as channels are concerned.

The next big race between the SEC and B1G will be who can get Oklahoma and Texas, but that is another possible 5-10 years down the road and a later debate.

Hot take: Ted Carter’s Hot Mic was planned. Ted Carter knows the frustration the state and husker fans, along with all B1G football fans are feeling about the lack of communication by the leaders of this conference. It has seemed for the last two weeks all we have heard is the following day you will hear a decision made, and nothing comes of it. Ted Carter and the university has already came out swinging day 1 since it was announced by Warren that a “unified” decision was made to postpone the season, so I’m not surprised he would let this “slip” to give a middle finger to the silent coward, yet here we are still without an announcement, the power struggle in the B1G continues.

Another reason I’m not fully optimistic about everything, early reports are the B1G needs to be on the same testing protocol and procedure, turned down federal government assistance and is still having issues. Nebraska with the help of UNMC has basically had this setup from day 1. Hell according to White Cally Arkansas fucking State has had this for weeks. Yet another example of the B1G and lack of leadership dragging its feet.

SEC and Clemson are especially pissed off at the fact the B1G will be allowed into the college football playoffs after only playing an 8-9 game schedule. My advice? Just be greatfuckingful there is college football in general. Pretty hilarious considering any non-pandemic year, the B1G always plays more conference games then the SEC.

A lot of brides will be happy as the original pre-Covid schedule had October 17th as a Nebraska bye week, now it’s the opening game of the year. Congrats ladies!

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