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Inside Info Waterboy Nug - Jan. 15th


Pussy Patrol
Elite Member
I’ve got a Waterboy Nug regarding a big time Croot to deliver. As you can see, he’s not 100% sure, but it adds a little more smoke to some things we have already heard.

See screenshot below. He texted me again after the attached screenshot that he saw them and knew he recognized him but couldn’t put a name to the face, then saw a pic of AD pop up on Twitter this morning and it clicked.

Take it FWIW I guess.


  • 6BF5BA3B-5F92-406C-A4EE-97C0327B0636.jpeg
    315.4 KB · Views: 116
This is going to be so classically Nebraska when he sticks with Minnesota on NSD. That being said, things do look encouraging, and this nugget is much appreciated.
the potato farmers of the scrolls will not handle that well, especially since dean has jacked everyone's expectations thru the roof with AD.
old man tongue GIF
the potato farmers of the scrolls will not handle that well, especially since dean has jacked everyone's expectations thru the roof with AD.
Tbh I'm kind of hoping it happens just for this reason. People take this shit like Dean personally attacked them.

"You gave me good news and it turned out to be false!!!" Scorcbed earth. Fire raining down.

Then Dean defends himself with the whoa is me card.

"At that time that is the information we had. I had no reason to believe it wasn't going to happen but kids change their mind. I just got done working two 9 hour days so I'm going to dig down deep and see if I can figure out whats going on."

Here's what my response would be:

"Fuck off. Kid told me and 3 other rivals staff he was committing to Nebraska. He changed his mind because kids are stupid. Go burn your car."
Here's what my response would be:

"Fuck off. Kid told me and 3 other rivals staff he was committing to Nebraska. He changed his mind because kids are stupid. Go burn your car."
LMAO. I also appreciate a strong response to stupid.

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