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TT was one of the weakest in-season editions I have ever seen.

Driveway Jordan

Wide Receiver
Lincoln, NE
Thanks god for the Platinum board, boys! Tunnel Talk was an absolute joke. Clouse wrote 4 sentences, and 3 were quotes from the grad transfer from UNI...who cares? Dean brought less than usual (which isn't saying much). I can't believe I used to look forward to reading it on Friday mornings. My 9-year old could compose something more interesting.
Thanks god for the Platinum board, boys! Tunnel Talk was an absolute joke. Clouse wrote 4 sentences, and 3 were quotes from the grad transfer from UNI...who cares? Dean brought less than usual (which isn't saying much). I can't believe I used to look forward to reading it on Friday mornings. My 9-year old could compose something more interesting.

TT was good like 7 years ago
Nate has totally mailed it in for a while. Aside from the couple quotes from the grad transfer, he offered nothing that couldn’t be obtained through not being a moron. It honestly seems like he has stopped trying to get any information at all.
Mike’s TT contributions are recycled info that that he copy/pastes and makes minor adjustments to.
Dean essentially takes tidbits from the press conferences and tries to pass them off as inside info.
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thought frost said stoll was going to play, and for the 2nd straight wesk, deab says bubak is 4th TE. why tf would anyone care about 4th TE btw

I asked that question last week and it never got answered lol

I feel bad, because I think he's a genuinely good guy, but Clouse has been tits on a boar for a while now. It's incredible to watch. Today's TT was a particularly rough reminder, if just for the exception proving the rule. It's clear he finally got one scoop that he was able to hint about a little with the UNI grad transfer. That's it. I like how he also tried to piggyback the Jailen Weaver commit onto that.

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