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TT Cliffs this morning...

Driveway Jordan

Wide Receiver
Lincoln, NE
  • Cerni is the real deal and will be back punting this spring.
  • Looking for a "quality backup" in the portal...don't know what we have in Smothers yet.
  • Ted Carter radio interview quotes: Continues to call out the BIG on fan attendance and says we will have a full stadium in the fall.
  • Recruiting: Kaden Helms got an LSU offer...so basically he's gone. Nothing to worry about with the 2022 class. The Nebraska coaches are working very hard, and they don't put the "hard sell" on anyone for a commitment. Info on the same 2 Kansas kids and the QB we offered from San Antonio this week. The QB is real close to getting other P5 offers...has all the tools. (Literally that was it for recruiting info...no new content)
  • Nebrasketball Info: Maybe see as many as 5 scholarship players leave. Only 1 plays significant minutes. Also Tominaga situation needs to be monitored. His numbers are way down this year, and we may make a decision to cut him loose.
That is all. As always, these updates are brought to you by JFQ Lending!
It's astonishing how much more recruiting information 247 is bringing at this point.

It really is. Clouse either had zero connections, or give zero-fucks anymore. Maybe both?? He literally regurgitates the same info on the same kids over and over. Who else are we recruiting outside of Kansas and Nebraska?? It's absolutely mind-numbing how they lack for new content.
It really is. Clouse either had zero connections, or give zero-fucks anymore. Maybe both?? He literally regurgitates the same info on the same kids over and over. Who else are we recruiting outside of Kansas and Nebraska?? It's absolutely mind-numbing how they lack for new content.
It says a lot when Mongo is competing with you in terms of breaking stories. That's what's odd, it's like Clouse doesn't do any of the actual calls and stories anymore. I'm trying to remember if it was always that way, but basically all those "normal" articles are authored either by Mongo or Matya now.

Try to think back to the last time Clouse actually was the one to alert the board on something important. HOL usually gets scooped on stuff by 247 now, but not always. However, on those occasions, it seems it's usually Callahan or dudes like Mongo. Callahan is the HOL guy who had the insight into Dickerson's recruitment; Mongo is actually the first dude in all of Huskerdom to have broken that we were fucked with Savea. Clouse? I just wish there was an answer so it was all on the table--don't relish bashing him as an individual at all, but the work product isn't up to snuff. If he's not going to be regarded as much of a "recruiting expert" anymore, fine, but they definitely still trot him out as one.
It says a lot when Mongo is competing with you in terms of breaking stories. That's what's odd, it's like Clouse doesn't do any of the actual calls and stories anymore. I'm trying to remember if it was always that way, but basically all those "normal" articles are authored either by Mongo or Matya now.

Try to think back to the last time Clouse actually was the one to alert the board on something important. HOL usually gets scooped on stuff by 247 now, but not always. However, on those occasions, it seems it's usually Callahan or dudes like Mongo. Callahan is the HOL guy who had the insight into Dickerson's recruitment; Mongo is actually the first dude in all of Huskerdom to have broken that we were fucked with Savea. Clouse? I just wish there was an answer so it was all on the table--don't relish bashing him as an individual at all, but the work product isn't up to snuff. If he's not going to be regarded as much of a "recruiting expert" anymore, fine, but they definitely still trot him out as one.

The last time he had info was when Riley was here, and Clouse had a direct line to either Keith Williams, Dante Williams, or both. He would routinely scoop 247 on everything. But it's like as soon as Frost showed up and locked down recruiting info, he apparently just gave up. I mean certainly there's info to be had...Schaefer goes out and digs is up.

Ultimately Clouse's productivity (or lack there of) is a reflection on Dean and HOL in general. In every work setting or work environment, you can just tell when someone isn't pulling their weight...it's always obvious, and you feel a sort of sympathy embarrassment for them, especially if their supervisor does nothing to address it or correct the behavior. That's how I feel about Clouse. Everyone can see that he is providing very little content, but why does Dean continue to let him flounder without doing anything about it?
Can we get some 247 recaps here from anybody?
I try to post if I don't already see it when there's something important. There's just not a ton of that right now. What 247 is kicking their ass in is actually getting interviews and discussion about more than just in-state kids and those two Kansas guys.
The last time he had info was when Riley was here, and Clouse had a direct line to either Keith Williams, Dante Williams, or both. He would routinely scoop 247 on everything. But it's like as soon as Frost showed up and locked down recruiting info, he apparently just gave up. I mean certainly there's info to be had...Schaefer goes out and digs is up.

Ultimately Clouse's productivity (or lack there of) is a reflection on Deab and HOL in general. In every work setting or work environment, you can just tell when someone isn't pulling their weight...it's always obvious, and you feel a sort of sympathy embarrassment for them, especially if their supervisor does nothing to address it or correct the behavior. That's how I feel about Clouse. Everyone can see that he is providing very little content, but why does Deab continue to let him flounder without doing anything about it?
Agreed. If I remember right, Nate had the scoop on Donte's hire and that really stuck out to me. Unfortunately that would appear to be a pretty unique situation and not a sign of long-term connections.
The last time he had info was when Riley was here, and Clouse had a direct line to either Keith Williams, Dante Williams, or both. He would routinely scoop 247 on everything. But it's like as soon as Frost showed up and locked down recruiting info, he apparently just gave up. I mean certainly there's info to be had...Schaefer goes out and digs is up.

Ultimately Clouse's productivity (or lack there of) is a reflection on Deab and HOL in general. In every work setting or work environment, you can just tell when someone isn't pulling their weight...it's always obvious, and you feel a sort of sympathy embarrassment for them, especially if their supervisor does nothing to address it or correct the behavior. That's how I feel about Clouse. Everyone can see that he is providing very little content, but why does Deab continue to let him flounder without doing anything about it?

Agreed. If I remember right, Nate had the scoop on Donte's hire and that really stuck out to me. Unfortunately that would appear to be a pretty unique situation and not a sign of long-term connections.

If you're pro-Clouse, you're sure as shit hoping that Bill Busch coming back will get him so juicy stuff at least for a year. Busch was his ultimate connection over the years. However, thus far, it's yielded precisely dick.
They’re also getting interviews with coaches (Fisher) while HOL continues their riveting in state tour
In Callahan's defense, they did get Chinander. It's just that Chin's interview basically yielded nothing interesting whereas Fisher put the whole Nadab Joseph thing out there.
In Callahan's defense, they did get Chinander. It's just that Chin's interview basically yielded nothing interesting whereas Fisher put the whole Nadab Joseph thing out there.
True. Totally forgot about the Chinander interview. I probably didn’t even bother to read it tbh
True. Totally forgot about the Chinander interview. I probably didn’t even bother to read it tbh
Chin is better in video than as a basis for an article. He's funny and engaging, but it's usually on stuff that's not particularly juicy. Dudes like Austin and Fisher are the ones who will actually drop the saucy nugs about their rooms.
It's astonishing how much more recruiting information 247 is bringing at this point.

Is it worth the sub? I used to sub, but cancelled and I promised myself I would never go back because they made you call to cancel and then never answered their phone. It seriously took me multiple weeks of calling daily just to talk to someone. By then my sub had renewed.
Is it worth the sub? I used to sub, but cancelled and I promised myself I would never go back because they made you call to cancel and then never answered their phone. It seriously took me multiple weeks of calling daily just to talk to someone. By then my sub had renewed.
Eh, I wouldn't at this point if you're not already signed up. I have both subs, and that's whatever, but I think pretty much everything really juicy makes it way over here. It's more just evaluating the two sites in a vacuum, perhaps considering one and only one, then the information factor on 247 is currently much stronger. RSS still shits on their board, even with RSS being in a weaker state due to tPB and various other nonsense.

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