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Traffic Jam in the DB room (1 Viewer)


Running Back
Elite Member
Let's admit the DB room needed some bodies after losing 3 starters but boy ohhhhh boy has the transfer portal, JUCO and HS recruiting been intense. What does that tell us?
There are 4 starting spots and a 5th that we use to fill with the JoJo type.

Lets assume the following based on seniority:

CB Newsome (Seems a solid dude, maybe the only solid one)
CB Clark (Shaky performances with injury history)
SS Farmer (Good spot duty 2 years ago, looked below average last year)
FS Johnson (Highly rated but we saw zero from him)

OLB/Nickle(??) Gifford (Didn't impress me much but limited time to review)

2nd string:
CB Buford (Rave practice and attitude reviews, one to keep an eye on)
CB Hill (Transfer with limited exp)
SS Singleton (Highly touted newcomer)
FS Gates (Seems undersized and hasn't popped on a big play ST or otherwise)

OLB/Nickle Wright (Possible medical issues might preclude this from ever happening)

Taymon Lynum (Good rumors about having a great attitude and built up his frame but seems to be getting recruited over, may have been a stretch as a recruit)
Koby Bretz (New, young but have heard next to zero about him)

Both should consider trying to break through with solid ST work.

I would be absolutely surprised if Jaedon Gould or Jalil Martin factor into anything above STs as true freshmen. I also believe that Malcom Hartzog is a DB by designation but is going to basically be groomed as a return specialist with little impact on the actual D.
Gabe Stenger hasn't even had his position settled between QB??? OLB/DB. (dude finds himself way way outside the picture in both situations)

The continued emphasis on recruiting:
There is no way Fisher is content with the possibilities that I spelled out in the "seniority list" with having so many spots that seem shaky at best. Enter Morton for increased competition and the Northern Cockeye rumored transfer All American (Omar Brown) to shore things up??? An AA seems a take in any situation but especially with the departures we have had.

The portal is calling:
If we land the Northern Cockeye AA then I believe that Tyreke Johnson, Braxton Clark and Noa Pola Gates are all distinct possibilities. One of them or all three. Lynum wouldn't surprise me. I think Javin Wright unfortunately won't work regardless.

A possible starting lineup / 2nd string after a room shake:

CB Newsome/Buford
CB N. Cockeye/Hill/Morton
SS Singleton
FS Farmer

DB/OLB Gifford

Would we be happy with that? Still seems shaky to me.

Added note: If we are going after the N. Cockeye AA as an additional transfer then IMO that means we won't be trying to add HS DB recruit Kylin Griffin, who recently visited. Maybe we take him only if we miss on the transfer guy. Based on schollie numbers we already need to see some pretty significant attrition anyway so adding two more DBs doesn't seem feasible. (I could be wrong)
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Ghost of Kiev 👻
Elite Member
Let's admit the DB room needed some bodies after losing 3 starters but boy ohhhhh boy has the transfer portal, JUCO and HS recruiting been intense. What does that tell us?
There are 4 starting spots and a 5th that we use to fill with the JoJo type.

Lets assume the following based on seniority:

CB Newsome (Seems a solid dude, maybe the only solid one)
CB Clark (Shaky performances with injury history)
SS Farmer (Good spot duty 2 years ago, looked below average last year)
FS Johnson (Highly rated but we saw zero from him)

OLB/Nickle(??) Gifford (Didn't impress me much but limited time to review)

2nd string:
CB Buford (Rave practice and attitude reviews, one to keep an eye on)
CB Hill (Transfer with limited exp)
SS Singleton (Highly touted newcomer)
FS Gates (Seems undersized and hasn't popped on a big play ST or otherwise)

OLB/Nickle Wright (Possible medical issues might preclude this from ever happening)

Taymon Lynum (Good rumors about having a great attitude and built up his frame but seems to be getting recruited over, may have been a stretch as a recruit)
Koby Bretz (New, young but have heard next to zero about him)

Both should consider trying to break through with solid ST work.

I would be absolutely surprised if Jaedon Gould or Jalil Martin factor into anything above STs as true freshmen. I also believe that Malcom Hartzog is a DB by designation but is going to basically be groomed as a return specialist with little impact on the actual D.
Gabe Stenger hasn't even had his position settled between QB??? OLB/DB. (dude finds himself way way outside the picture in both situations)

The continued emphasis on recruiting:
There is no way Fisher is content with the possibilities that I spelled out in the "seniority list" with having so many spots that seem shaky at best. Enter Morton for increased competition and the Northern Cockeyes rumored transfer All American to shore things up??? An AA seems a take in any situation but especially with the departures we have had.

The portal is calling:
If we land the Northern Cockeyes AA then I believe that Tyreke Johnson, Braxton Clark and Noa Pola Gates are all distinct possibilities. One of them or all three. Lynum wouldn't surprise me. I think Javin Wright unfortunately won't work regardless.

A possible starting lineup / 2nd string after a room shake:

CB Newsome/Buford
CB N. Cockeyes/Hill/Morton
SS Singleton
FS Farmer

DB/OLB Gifford

Would we be happy with that? Still seems shaky to me.
Not bad, but I still think Buford ends up at Safety. We're going to be in deep shit if Farmer is a starter all season. At least half of tPB would smoke him in a foot race.


Running Back
Elite Member
Not bad, but I still think Buford ends up at Safety. We're going to be in deep shit if Farmer is a starter all season. At least half of tPB would smoke him in a foot race.
It really did seem like teams picked on Farmer last year. He looked nothing like the guy who started at NW two years ago when our starting safeties were suspended.


Elite Member
Stenger to the QB room would be a waste.

We have 5 schollys there now and even have that baseball walk on Mikey Pauley (fresh from the jersey shore with a name like that)

God is a Husker

Pussy Posse
- 3:30am

- 5 scroll downs on iPhone in length

- doesn’t even paid to do this (like Dean)

- just does it for the love of the game




Running Back
Recruiting Analyst
I'm not near as down on Farmer as most are. Yes, he was picked on a little, but I have faith in him to take a step forward with another year of experience and leadership roles up for grabs.

That being said, if someone like Noa Pola-Gates ended up taking his spot, I would t be shocked or disappointed. I think Bufford will have one of the safety spots. He is too much of a gamer to keep off the field. Singleton is someone to keep an eye on too for that other safety spot too. But between Bufford, Farmer, NPG and Singleton, I feel pretty good about the safety room.

I wish Tyreke Johnson would be more open to safety, because he could be elite there. But I think he will fill the role of nickel.

Corner is where it gets fun. I think we currently have 4 potential starters - Quinton Newsome, Braxton Clark, Tommi Hill and Javier Morton. Right now I'll give it to Newsome and Hill. If Omar Brown ends up N, he will give Hill a good run for his money at the other CB spot. Tons of depth there.

In JoJo's spot, I think we are likely looking at Gifford replacing him and I'm done underestimating a Gifford. But Bretz is such a freaky athlete, I wouldn't be shocked if he got some time in this position.


Pussy Patrol
Elite Member
Everybody I have talked to is very high on him.

I think they did bring in some very talented kids too. DB room will be fun to follow this spring.
Worth mentioning: Marques has a younger brother, Mario, who is gonna be a big time ‘24 recruit. Already holds offers from Arizona, Ark, GTech, Illinois, Louisville, Miss St, Nebraska, Oregon, and UCF as a sophomore.

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