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tPB MLB Thread

Black Dean

Dean but also Black
My Yankees suck. I’ve watched them play 10 games so far this season and they are 2-8 when I’m watching (4-3) when I’m not. So I believe I’m just as much responsible for there suckiness as they are...except Boone the Goon. Fuck that dude. Should have never been hired. Still not happy they fired Girardi but the Ivy League Metric Stat boys got there panties in a wad when he wouldn’t listen to them half the time.

Also Sanchez kept running to Cashman crying everytime Girardi would discipline his ass.

16 runs last night, might be a turning point for the Cubbies. Half my family and a bunch of buds are Cubs fans so I follow them quiet a bit.

The last 7 games our proclaimed great Yankee offense has produced 18 runs in that span.
Cubs beat the Braves 13-4 last week and then the next day lost to the Braves 13-4. I feel like that's a perfect representation of how the Cubs season is gonna go.
Cubs beat the Braves 13-4 last week and then the next day lost to the Braves 13-4. I feel like that's a perfect representation of how the Cubs season is gonna go.

Pretty much on point, although inconsistent, atleast you guys are having scoring outbreaks where the Yankees just suck on offense which is no excuse for what they have. I’ve had Stanton since halfway through his first year, Jeter really played us on that trade. I tell all my Cubs people id happily trade him for Baez or Bryant, deal?

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