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Today in History - March 22


Stats Guy
March 22

1765 - The Stamp Act was enacted on the American colonies by Britain.

1820 - U.S. naval hero Stephen Decatur was killed in a duel with dishonored former Chesapeake captain James Barron near Washington, D.C.

1882 - President Chester A. Arthur signed legislation that outlawed polygamy.

1895 - Auguste and Louis Lumiere first demonstrated motion pictures using celluloid film in Paris.

1933 - The first German concentration camp was opened at Dachau.

1941 - The Grand Coulee Dam in Washington went into operation.

1945 - The Arab League was formed in Cairo by Egypt, Iraq, Jordan, Lebanon and Syria.

1946 - The British mandate in Transjordan came to an end.

1962 - Barbara Streisand made her Broadway debut at age 19 in the musical "I Can Get it For You Wholesale" at the Shubert Theater.

1965 - Bob Dylan's album "Bringing it All Back Home," his first featuring an electric guitar, was released.

1972 - Congress approved the Equal Rights Amendment and sent it to the states for ratification. (The amendment would fail to get the required 38 states to approve it.)

1976 - Principal photography for the first "Star Wars" movie, directed by George Lucas, began in Tunisia.

1987 - A garbage barge, carrying 3,200 tons of refuse, left Islip, New York, on a six-month journey in search of a place to unload. (The barge was turned away by several states and three other countries until space was found back in Islip.)

1988 - Both houses of Congress overrode President Ronald Reagan's veto of the Civil Rights Restoration Act.

1990 - A jury in Anchorage, Alaska found former tanker captain Joseph Hazelwood innocent of three major charges in connection with the Exxon Valdez oil spill, but convicted him of a minor charge of negligent discharge of oil.

1991 - High school instructor Pamela Smart, accused of manipulating her student-lover into killing her husband, was convicted in Exeter, New Hampshire, of murder-conspiracy and being an accomplice to murder and sentenced to life in prison without parole.

1993 - Intel Corp. unveiled the original Pentium computer processor.

1995 - Colin Ferguson was sentenced to life in prison for killing six people on a Long Island Rail Road commuter train in 1993.

1997 - Comet Hale-Bopp made its closest approach to Earth in the skies over the northern hemisphere. The comet's next pass is predicted for the year 4397.

2006 - The Basque separatist group ETA announced a permanent cease-fire with Spain.

2010 - Google announced it would stop censoring search results on its site in China by shifting it from the mainland to Hong Kong.

2012 - Amadou Toumani Tour, the president of Mali, was ousted in a coup.

2019 - Special counsel Robert Mueller closed his Russia investigation of President Donald Trump with no new charges, delivering his final report to Justice Department officials.

2019 - Former President Jimmy Carter became the longest-living chief executive in American history at 94 years, 172 days, exceeding the lifespan of former President George H.W. Bush.

2020 - New York Gov. Andrew Cuomo ordered all nonessential businesses in the state to close and nonessential workers to stay home. The Senate voted against advancing a $2 trillion coronavirus rescue package that Democrats said was tilted toward corporations, but negotiations continued. (Approval would come by week’s end.) Kentucky Republican Rand Paul became the first member of the U.S. Senate to report testing positive for the coronavirus; his announcement led Utah senators Mike Lee and Mitt Romney to place themselves in quarantine. The Chinese city of Wuhan, where the pandemic was first detected, went a fourth consecutive day without reporting any new or suspected cases of the coronavirus.

23 - Paola Andino (actress)
31 - Yodit Yemane (model)
36 - James Wolk (actor)
39 - Constance Wu (actress)
40 - Tiffany Dupont (actress)
45 - Reese Witherspoon (actress)
45 - Kellie Williams (actress)
46 - Cole Hauser (actor)
46 - Anne Dudek (actress)
46 - Guillermo Diaz (actor)
50 - Will Yun Lee (actor)
50 - Keegan-Michael Key (actor/comedian)
56 - Rick Harrison (reality star)
62 - Matthew Modine (actor)
64 - Stephanie Mills (actress/singer)
66 - Lena Olin (actress)
69 - Bob Costas (sportscaster)
72 - Fanny Ardant (actress)
73 - Andrew Lloyd Webber (composer)
73 - Wolf Blitzer (newscaster)
78 - George Benson (singer)
80 - Jeremy Clyde (actor/singer)
86 - M. Emmet Walsh (actor)
90 - William Shatner (actor)
91 - Pat Robertson (evangelist)


Today in Sports History - March 22

1894 - The first Stanley Cup championship game was played with the Montreal Amateur Athletic Association (which won the cup unchallenged the previous year) triumphed over the Ottawa Capitals.

1934 - The first Masters golf championship began in Augusta, Georgia.

1958 - Kentucky defeats Seattle 84-72 to win the NCAA Tournament.

1964 - Ed Johnston (Boston Bruins) became the last goalie in NHL history to play every minute of every game for an entire season.

1967 - Muhammad Ali was stripped of his heavyweight boxing championship for refusing to be inducted into the United States Army.

1969 - UCLA defeated Purdue to become the first men's college basketball team to win three consecutive NCAA Tournaments.

1979 - The NHL voted to accept four teams from the World Hockey Association (WHA): Edmonton Oilers, Winnipeg Jets, Quebec Nordiques and Hartford Whalers.

1984 - Bryan Trottier of the New York Islanders ties an NHL record by scoring just five seconds into a game.

1986 - HBO launches boxing's heavyweight title unification tournament to crown an undisputed champion who would hold titles in the IBF, WBA and WBC.

1989 - Pete Rozelle announces his retirement as NFL Commissioner after serving for 29 years.

1993 - Cleveland Indians pitchers Steve Olin and Tim Crews were killed in a motor boat accident. Bobby Ojeda was also seriously injured.

1994 - The NFL announced the addition of the two-point conversion. It was the league's first scoring change in 75 seasons.

1997 - Tara Lipinski of the United States became the youngest women's world figure skating champion in Switzerland at age 14 years, 10 months.

2002 - Sergei Zubov (Dallas Stars) got his 400th career assist.

2011 - NFL owners meeting in New Orleans voted to make all scoring plays reviewable by the replay official and referee; also, kickoffs would be moved up 5 yards to the 35-yard line.

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