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Today in History - February 11


Stats Guy
February 11

1805 - Lewis and Clark's Shoshone guide, Sacajawea, gave birth to a son, Jean Baptiste.

1809 - Robert Fulton patented the steamboat.

1812 - Massachusetts Gov. Elbridge Gerry signed a redistricting law favoring his Democratic-Republican Party -- giving rise to the term "gerrymandering".

1847 - Inventor Thomas Alva Edison was born in Milan, Ohio.

1858 - St. Bernadette of Lourdes first saw a vision of the Virgin Mary at Lourdes, France, leading to the foundation of the shrine of Lourdes.

1861 - President-elect Abraham Lincoln bade farewell to his adopted hometown of Springfield, Illinois, as he headed to Washington for his inauguration.

1929 - The Lateran Treaty was signed, with Italy recognizing the independence and sovereignty of the Vatican City.

1937 - A sit-down strike against General Motors ended with the company agreeing to recognize the United Automobile Workers Union.

1945 - The Yalta Agreement is signed by President Franklin D. Roosevelt, British Prime Minister Winston Churchill and Soviet leader Josef Stalin during World War II, setting agreements on the post-war governance of Europe; the agreement also saw Stalin agree to declare war against Imperial Japan following Nazi Germany's capitulation.

1970 - Japan became the fourth country to place a satellite into orbit.

1975 - Margaret Thatcher became the first woman to head a major party in Britain when she was elected leader of opposition Conservative Party.

1979 - Ayatollah Khomeini's followers seized control of the government of Iran.

1989 - The Episcopal Church's Boston diocese consecrated Barbara Harris as the church's first female bishop.

1990 - South African resistance leader Nelson Mandela was released from prison after more than 27 years.

2006 - Vice President Dick Cheney accidentally shot and wounded Harry Whittington, a companion during a weekend quail-hunting trip in Texas.

2008 - The Defense Department charged Khalid Sheikh Mohammed with murder and war crimes in connection with the Sept. 11 attacks.

2009 - Democrat John Dingell of Michigan became the longest-serving member of the U.S. House of Representatives with more than 53 years of service.

2011 - As a result of the "Arab Spring" protests, Egyptian president Hosni Mubarak announces his resignation and hands power of the country over to the military.

2012 - Pop superstar Whitney Houston died at a Beverly Hilton hotel in Los Angeles at age 48, one night before the annual Grammy Awards. (Her death was ruled an accidental drowning, with heart disease and cocaine use as contributing factors.)

2013 - With a few words in Latin, Pope Benedict XVI did what no pope had done in more than 500 years: announced his resignation. The bombshell came during a routine morning meeting of Vatican cardinals. (The 85-year-old pontiff was given the title "Pope Emeritus" and was succeeded by Pope Francis.)

2016 - Surrounded by FBI agents in armored vehicles, the last four occupiers of a national nature preserve in Oregon surrendered, ending a 41-day standoff that left one man dead.

2020 - The World Health Organization gave the official name of COVID-19 to the disease caused by the coronavirus that had emerged in the Chinese city of Wuhan.

2020 - Actor Jussie Smollett was indicted for a second time on charges of lying to police about a racist and anti-gay attack he allegedly staged on himself in downtown Chicago.

29 - Taylor Lautner (actor)
29 - Georgia Groome (actress)
30 - Shanina Shaik (model)
33 - Sair Khan (actress)
37 - Aubrey O'Day (singer)
39 - Natalie Dormer (actress)
40 - Kelly Rowland (singer)
41 - Matthew Lawrence (actor)
42 - Brandy (singer)
45 - Brice Beckham (actor)
47 - D'Angelo (singer)
47 - Alex Jones (radio host)
49 - Marisa Petroro (actress)
50 - Damian Lewis (actor)
52 - Jennifer Aniston (actress)
57 - Sarah Palin (politician)
59 - Sheryl Crow (singer)
65 - Catherine Hickland (actress)
69 - Philip Anglim (actor)
93 - Conrad Janis (actor)


Today in Sports History - February 11

1922 - The Toronto St. Patricks and the Ottawa Senators recorded the first tie game in NHL history.

1957 - The NHL Players Association was formed in New York City. Ted Lindsay (Detroit Red Wings) was elected as president.

1966 - Willie Mays became the highest paid player in baseball. He signed a two-year contract with the San Francisco Giants for $130,000 a year.

1971 - Jean Beliveau of the Montreal Canadiens scored his 500th career goal.

1984 - Wayne Gretzky of the Edmonton Oilers set an NHL record with his 11th short-handed goal of the season.

1990 - In Tokyo, Japan, James "Buster" Douglas knocked out Mike Tyson in the tenth round to win the heavyweight championship.

2009 - All-Star shortstop Miguel Tejada pleaded guilty to lying to Congress about steroids in baseball. (He was sentenced to a year’s probation.)

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