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Stothert's husband dead?

It sounds to me like he shot himself.
Heard a rumor that he was diagnosed with a terminal illness. No idea if accurate.
I don't think I'd stick around for the final stages of either ALS or Alzheimers. Pick a final sunset and call it a wrap. Perhaps that's what happened here. Because she's a public figure, Jean won't get the privacy that a tragic moment like this deserves. A truly sad situation anyway you look at it.
I don't think I'd stick around for the final stages of either ALS or Alzheimers. Pick a final sunset and call it a wrap. Perhaps that's what happened here. Because she's a public figure, Jean won't get the privacy that a tragic moment like this deserves. A truly sad situation anyway you look at it.
Not sure i could do it.
Not sure i could do it.
If that’s true he was sick and chose to do this, I’d say it would be an incredibly bold move. And I mean that sincerely.
To me, it comes down ending things on your own terms or living life in a seriously degraded state where your quality of life is so severely diminished that any semblance of the life you remember you had enjoyed was gone. I mean really, what’s the point? Do you want your family to remember your suffering and becoming a shell of your former self? It’s fucking sad but dammit I respect the decision.

In any other instance besides terminal illness and immediately imminent death barring the possibility of a scientific miracle, I’d say it’s the cowardly way out— Life is a blessing.

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