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Stimulus Payment


Graduate Assistant
Elite Member
If you're a poor like myself what are you doing with your stimulus money? I have had thoughts of investing it as we don't absolute need it right now, but don't really know what to invest it in.
If you're a poor like myself what are you doing with your stimulus money? I have had thoughts of investing it as we don't absolute need it right now, but don't really know what to invest it in.
I’d buy a nice electric home brew set up if I had the Biden Bonus
My bad. I assumed opee already had a budget for that. You know, football coach and everything...
They don't get paid much, but that's the gig. And then you see them at the jiggle joint, and it's typically looks like this:

The lady should be getting hers and I'm trying to convince her to use it towards redoing the front yard next month, but she will probably end up buying stupid shit with it. She bought a 500 dollar mirror for our guest bedroom with the $600 stimulus...it's still sitting in the garage right now.
Buy some NBA Top Shots, then download Coinbase and buy Litecoins and Lumens.
The lady should be getting hers and I'm trying to convince her to use it towards redoing the front yard next month, but she will probably end up buying stupid shit with it. She bought a 500 dollar mirror for our guest bedroom with the $600 stimulus...it's still sitting in the garage right now.

Get that damn thing hung, my man. You think it's just gonna hang itself?

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