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Some jerkoff on RSS posted (and Callahan supported) that JoJo might be coming back

I would like to see both safeties (Williams & Dismuke) come back. We’re really hurting back there without them. Farmer’s too slow and no one else has stepped up yet. Those jackass Florida kids leaving didn’t help matters either.
Yeah, it'd be huge. He's the most important senior who could return, even including Jaimes, in my opinion. I think Corcoran is a stronger replacement than whatever we'd trot out at OLB/Nickel.
I'm not worried about losing OL that does well at Pass Pro but blows balls at run blocking.

Only seniors that move the needle for me returning at Domann, D.Will & Honas. The rest are meh for me. Maybe I'm forgetting someone, but beyond those 3, the younger bucks are coming. Stille had a nice year, but T. Rob & Rodgers are going to be better and were pretty good this year, especially Rodgers.

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